Witches of the Vampir Metrou: (Imported Post with - TopicsExpress


Witches of the Vampir Metrou: (Imported Post with additions) Grounding and Centering...Why, How and What It Does: Reaction Sickness One of the reasons that grounding and centering are so important to psychics, energy-workers, and magicians is that they prevent and protect against something called reaction sickness. This is caused by one of three things: overworking oneself in psi-work, energy-work, or magic; suddenly being bombarded with too much energy too quickly; or expending too much energy too quickly, which can cause the same unpleasant effect. Reaction sickness is a sign that the body’s energy channels have been completely overloaded. It can result in terrible headaches (even migraines), nausea, dizziness, sore muscles, and, in extreme cases, shock. Having a good, solid ground is the best means of prevention. Most students experience this at least once in their training. How will you know when you are experiencing it? The milder forms can be a response to overworking the gifts. Energy overload, which can lead to reaction headaches, can also manifest as hyperactivity and giddiness rather than exhaustion and nausea. Be on the lookout for either response. If you are dealing with someone in the throes of reaction sickness, or if you have fallen prey to this, there are a few things you can do to start the healing. If you can get outside and connect to trees and the earth itself, that can help immensely, too. Walk barefoot or sit directly on the ground or with your back against a tree. There’s something to the whole idea of hugging a tree that one hears occasionally. Eat something, preferably protein. I often find that I crave sugar when this happens, which has lead me to believe that reaction sickness disrupts not only the body’s electrolytes but also blood-sugar levels. keep a protein bar on hand, chocolate, and some sort of energy drink near when you work. Make sure you keep hydrated, and take ibuprofen or aspirin if you have a headache. Many serious energy-workers practice either qi gong, tai chi, yoga, or some form of martial arts. All of these things help you get in touch with your physicality and aid in developing a greater awareness of your internal energies. Plus, they can keep you healthy. Quick-Fix Grounding Techniques Sometimes emergencies happen, and you will need to ground more quickly than perhaps your skill will allow. Sometimes, too, circumstances intervene to make regular grounding difficult. Here are six things you can do to tide yourself over until you have the opportunity and ability to effectively ground, which should be done as soon as possible: 1. Have a full meal, preferably with a good deal of protein. Food and the process of digesting are, in and of themselves, mildly grounding. 2. Have someone pour a gallon of cold water over your head. This is unpleasant, but it will snap your awareness back into your physical body like nothing else. This is particularly effective if you are having trouble coming out of a trance. This is something to keep in mind for emergency situations. 3. Bathe or shower and change clothes. This has much the same effect as the second option, but in a far less jolting way. 4. Perform a version of the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) 5. Reach for a piece of black tourmaline, petrified wood, or tigers eye stone. 6. Take a beer bath (no joke) add a half a cup of sea salt. Soak for at least ten minutes. 7. Perform the Auric Charging Finger Interlock below. Auric Charging Finger Interlock Optional Supplies: yarrow plant essence, 1 Aquamarine. How to do it: 1. Join the tips of the thumb and middle finger of each hand that forms two separate circles, slowly bring them together and join the circles. 2. Close your eyes and envision a shield of powerful energy enveloping your entire aura and easily repelling all outside influences. You can be creative here. 3. Envision your inner core pulsating with power and infusing your total being with abundant energy. 4. Allow it to peak and affirm: My total being is infused with powerful energy. I am surrounded by a protective shield of power. I am safe and secure. So be it! 5. Slowly pull fingers apart and take a deep breath. Ladies make an equal-armed cross over the spleen chakra. This is located approximately 2 finger widths below your navel. Gentlemen make an equal-armed cross at your solar plexus chakra. Or two fingers widths below your sternum. If you wish you can anoint the aquamarine crystal with yarrow plant essence and make an equal-armed cross on the nape of your neck. (I have no idea who to accredit this technique to but it is not mine. The use of the yarrow essence and aquamarine stone addition is my technique)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 23:16:54 +0000

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