With Bud the dud Selig retiring from MLB...former Yankees manager - TopicsExpress


With Bud the dud Selig retiring from MLB...former Yankees manager Joe Torres name keeps being thrown in the mix to replace Mr. Selig. What do you think? Should #6 take over as the grand poohba of MLB? I vote no. Now wait wait wait....put the pitch forks down. Hear me out. Look the skipper was my favorite Yankees manager next to the late Billy Martin. Lets face it. Mr. Torre will be nothing more than an extension of Bud the dud. He (Joe) holds the same values and principles as Bud and has stuck by his side through thick and thin since joining the suits of MLB. Is he playing corporate guy? Maybe...but do we really want to live through another Selig Era? I know i dont, I want someone younger who while holds the values of old time baseball, is willing to change to fit the times. Someone who holds tradition dear yet has the guts to make necessary change. Someone with a vision for the future. MLB whether people want to believe it or not is dying a slow and miserable death. The NFL holds the lions share of fame and fortune, while NBA and NHL are creeping closer to the same level of popularity as the NFL. Even Soccer has gained momentum since the past few World Cups. The game takes way too long. Pitchers more than ever are breaking down. And the cloud of suspicion looms as thick in each of our brains of the use of roids and HGH as muchas it fills the air of every time a ball sores out of any given stadium across the country. Ticket prices are though the roof and MLB players demand more and more. These are just some of the issues the new Commish has to face. Look, I love Joe! But he is too old to physically deal with all these issues. An old school guy with old school ideas. Its time for a change. Who then you ask? I wish i had the answer, however i just dont know. So i turn this question to you....Who do you think should take the reigns? Comment below and as always Go Yankees!!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 22:48:56 +0000

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