With France taking measures decisively sympathetic to Islam, why - TopicsExpress


With France taking measures decisively sympathetic to Islam, why would Muslim zealots suddenly choose THIS MOMENT to murder a dozen French citizens, an act that would certainly turn French public opinion against Muslims and in favor of Israel? It seems like theyre spinning out PSYOPS these days faster than the writers of plots for a daily soap opera. Ottawa and Sydney are already old news. The three latest headlines have probably been: the Charlie Hebdo shootings in France, the downed AirAsia plane, and North Korea hacks Sony. While no conclusive explanations have yet been reached, these three seemingly distinct events all have something in common: running afoul of Israel. On December 2nd, the France Parliament passed a resolution asking that France recognize a Palestinian state. And just a week ago, Israel informed France that it was deeply disappointed with Frances vote on a UN resolution that would have required Israeli forces to withdraw to their pre-1967 borders by 2017. French parliament votes to recognise Palestinian state france24/en/20141202-french-legislators-pass-symbolic-motion-recognise-palestine-state/ Israel tells France it was deeply disappointed by vote at UN jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Israel-tells-France-it-was-deeply-disappointed-by-vote-at-UN-386493 With France taking measures decisively sympathetic to Islam, why would Muslim zealots suddenly choose THIS MOMENT to murder a dozen French citizens, an act that would turn French public opinion against Muslims and in favor of Israel? We are told the motive for the atrocity was publication of cartoons satirizing Islam and Muhammad. What Muslim would consider cartoons more important than Palestinian rights, which Muslims have spent decades earnestly striving and bleeding for? Clearly, the beneficiary of the Charlie Hebdo incident is neither France nor Islam, but Israel. This was equally true of 9/11. Though allegedly carried out by Middle Eastern Muslims, they did not benefit - the U.S. has been making war on them ever since, and the Middle East has descended into chaos. Americans did not benefit - they have suffered the casualties and enormous costs of multiple wars, to say nothing of a growing police state in their homeland. 9/11s SOLE BENEFICIARY is Israel - her enemies neutralized one by one, courtesy of America. The Charlie Hebdo shootings show some of the same M.O. as 9/11. A key 9/11 clue was Mohammed Attas passport, found intact and unburned outside the World Trade Center. Supposedly it somehow survived the explosion unscathed and floated to the ground. Likewise, in the recent Paris shootings, police have identified the alleged perpetrators by means of an ID card which one of them CONVENIENTLY left in the getaway car. Analysts have pointed out that the attack was carried out with military precision and skill. If you watch the footage of the getaway (shot by Amchai Stein, deputy editor of Israels IBA Channel 1, who just happened to be on the scene), the perps wore hoods over their faces: they clearly did not want their identities known. Why, then, after all this precision, did they carelessly leave identification in the car? Could it be that the masked shooters were NOT the same men whom the ID card has sent the police chasing after? Think about it. A detailed, ongoing debunking of the Charlie Hebdo shootings may be found at: jimstonefreelance/ Next, AirAsia. In a single year, 2014, Malaysia lost three airliners: MH370, MH17, and AirAsia 8501. All three were lost under very controversial circumstances. Malaysia is also one of just four countries in the Far East that doesnt recognize Israel. More significantly, in late 2013, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, chaired by Mahathir Mohamad (Malaysias former prime minister), declared Israel guilty of war crimes and atrocities. globalresearch.ca/kuala-lumpur-tribunal-finds-israel-guilty-of-crimes-against-humanity-genocide/5359404 The other three Far Eastern countries that dont recognize Israel? Well, theres Indonesia, and Brunei (a small country on the island of Borneo, which is otherwise divided between Malaysia and Indonesia). 155 of Air Asia 8501s passengers were Indonesians. Are France and Malaysia the victims of sophisticated Israeli vengeance? If such an idea seems farfetched, is it no more absurd than the government/MSM claim that MH370 simply disappeared. If such brutality by Israel seems unthinkable, remember its slaughter of Gazas civilians only last summer. And the fourth country of the Far East that doesnt recognize Israel? Its North Korea, who is now being punished with economic sanctions after its crackerjack team of computer geeks ran circles around the hayseeds in charge of Sonys security. And why shouldnt we believe the claims of government and mainstream media about that? (
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 02:47:02 +0000

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