With all of the new moms on my Facebook lately and all of the - TopicsExpress


With all of the new moms on my Facebook lately and all of the awareness posts about babys that were unfortunate in accidents pertaining to these awareness posts, I thought about how fortunate we are at the outcome of Macis accident (as I constantly do) and I figured maybe if I shared her story publicly, although I may be ridiculed, talked badly about, degraded as a mother, and called unthinkable names, it could happen to any of you.. statistically speaking, For children under the age of 5, drowning is a leading cause of accidental death. Between 1999 and 2010, more than 46,000 people died from drowning in the United States, or more than 10 per day, according to the report. However, drowning death rates have decreased over time for most age groups. Children under the age of 5 still had the highest risk of drowning, with death rates of nearly 3 per 100,000 in 2010. Now, to start our story, I was one of those moms who read horror stories like this and thought only an idiot would do that what were they thinking?! That will never happen to any of my kids. But in the chaos of having 2 kids that are 18 months apart, I found myself running to grab towels that were left unfolded or laying on the couch waiting to be put away and leaving my kids unattended for a few seconds, or at least thats what it felt like (who actually times themselves?)... This past April my husbands dad had a stroke and amongst the chaos of our family dealing with that kind of tragedy, dragging our kids around Amarillo, staying here for so long, the bickering of whats next, etc. After almost a week of this, I got tired and was most definitely out of routine (Im not making excuses though, it is what it is). I returned home with both of my kids while my husband stayed behind to keep informed of his fathers health status. It was about11 am when we got home. I fed the kids and ran them a bath... In the middle of bathing them, my husband called me. I stepped out for what reasons you will: for the sake of being able to hear what he was saying, for the sake of not fighting or getting upset in front of the kids, etc. I was right outside the bathroom door (the door still open so I could monitor them), but within what felt like a few seconds, turned out to be 2- 3 minutes... Jase (our 2 year old son) started screaming in a way I had never heard before. I looked into the doorway and immediately noticed an empty bathseat next to my son. From that point on, I didnt hear a word my husband was saying and he was unaware of what was happening as I discovered our 8 month old daughter laying face up, unconscious, and white as death in the tub. I screamed (A scream that probably still haunts my husband) I screamed so hard, what I was screaming was probably not comprehendable. I screamed for Jon to come home now, I screamed for God, I screamed for my daughter. I threw my phone and picked up my limp, lifeless daughters body from the tub and I repeatedly told her to wake up, I told her breathe baby, breathe! Please breathe! I was panicked, but thankfully instinct kicked in quickly and with God moving me, I started cpr. Little did I know, my husband was already on the phone with dispatch sending an ambulance to our house and soon after, I did too. I dialed 911 after doing CPR for a few minutes (which took 5 attempts because my hands were wet and drops of water will dial numbers as they fall). I continued CPR while I was connected to dispatch. Eventually I got Maci to take a breathe on her own after about 5 minutes or less... chest compressions and breathing through her mouth as she puked.. I was overjoyed to be covered in vomit because I knew I was getting closer to bringing her back.. in those long antagonizing moments, I begged God to not take her from me and after she started breathing those long exhaling, but dense breaths, I prayed even harder that God not take her from me... By the grace of God, Maci spent roughly 24 hours in the hospital (72 hours is protocol in a circumstance such as hers), because she recovered in only 8 hours from the time of the accident.. as much pain as the story brings back and as much as I hate knowing what some people will say and think, I feel like even though I could pretend it never happened and only my family and close friends would know what happened, its important to share it, because I wouldnt wish that day on anyone, not even my worst enemy.. And maybe if anything, you might try to prove that youre a better mom than me and never leave your child for a second in water or near water unattended and I will cheer you on and praise you for it, if thats what it takes. Dont be the mom that THINKS it wont happen, be the mom who makes sure it doesnt
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 21:45:59 +0000

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