With duly regard to you Sir ,As Sir is Senior Intregrate - TopicsExpress


With duly regard to you Sir ,As Sir is Senior Intregrate respect,intregrate to upgrade and accept is senior in position in ages in rankins as honourified which prompt you as honourity in position you are Sir, It,s a great expression regard to the point of change in election ,If Sir Senators in the house within my steppin the to express a change and to defind what a change with little knownledge i have within myself ,climate change is all around within our sit in See & Observe the change .let look around a change is all about climate change in our community and enivronment survilliance as it where known and as as it where prompt with a forward decision by the leaders which prompt as a roll of confident to lead direct and locate to appropriately and respectively through flatimenty that asselerate for restructural, which are this what can clear the conscience in political electrial matter is all about legal programme that should arise and concenterate upon employment 55 % from federalism with a support by classic corperative government as industrialization body ,minizer corperative which are small enterprenuem or enterprises body member,i pledge the to you in all the great leaders that all citizenship are looking into for employment seek ,to kindly wipes away what fatherism,where in some area we have lost away tanented student with highly qualitative knownledge to poor ones duly because of one eminent rankins or one prominent achieve a friend and relative could pull the inflation of best to derive aim and objective for body support inother for economic to picturize a well being programme for standalizing such like a t-shirt for employment seek for trace and controlable and derive the best of best for economic restructural ,you dont need change you need to repeat the lesson for better change to carry on more precisely you readdress and accept a programme that will wipes away stress ,Kindly legalize with rules of law as you the S,but jonathan Ojorumi UKWUJEDE Born August 7 ,1975,Nigerian,A chief magistrate judge toward a change ,As that all i can have for you the Sir Chief Senator and Sir Chief Magistrate judge honour prompt to you all and please kindly support the Sir President Obama BARACK must not the slipped means fall as a representative of world leaders and i pledge all the Sir president must not fall the all carry along a name for progressive a solution is all sharing view and to you all God blessing you in all,J.O.UK BORN AUST 7 1975 ,PHONE NUMBER 002348022233232,002347019798117.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 09:57:20 +0000

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