With special needs Hildie in mind, we have been printing NADAC - TopicsExpress


With special needs Hildie in mind, we have been printing NADAC videorun course maps so we can visualize where to go from here with Hildie. Seeing actual maps changed our auto-think "Tunnelers or Jumpers." Novice Regular and Novice Weavers might be more realistic for Hildie. The biggest challenge for special needs Hildie will finding a way to get her on a slatless rubberized dogwalk before trying a videorun so we can take some time to introduce it to her. Less worried about a NADAC spec A-frame. In addition to people, she can be scared of new things and needs to be led through them much more than other dogs. Even if the NADAC-spec equipment is safer, the fact that it is different from where we can practice is probably a bigger deal for her fear level. So... looks like the work ahead is building sequence length, more weaves, more dogwalks and reinforcing the A-frame contact. Looking at the maps makes the idea of a videorun with Hildie seem less like an impossible task.... but still quite a ways to go.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:27:53 +0000

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