With what Im about to share I will ruffle more than a few feathers - TopicsExpress


With what Im about to share I will ruffle more than a few feathers but then again controversy is nothing new to one who walk in the path which the Lord has led me in. Years ago my father whom I dearly love, gave me what was the typical advice coming from a Pastor/Father in the gospel who desired that I have a successful and fruitful ministry his words were Dont preach anything controversial . Now at that time I was heavily influenced by those who were ultra conservative in the Apostolic movement and I was hard nosed against Wedding Rings and etc. and Im sure that was more than likely his thought pattern as the typical UPCI had long removed itself from that extreme position and so it seemed like the advice one should give to an evangelist such as myself. But controversy must be addressed and if I begin with Genesis 1:1 teaching the truth contained therein Im already on controversial territory for some. So here goes: A hurting individual finds themselves walking thru the door of a church at the invitation of a friend who is longing to see them touched by the love of the Father. As they enter the sanctuary they find a warm welcome and the service begins with a worship service that expresses an obvious love affair with their Lord and Savior and the atmosphere we take for granted as we have often felt this is moving them to clap their hands and tap there toes and they have never been in a worship meeting where they ever felt anything remotely similar to what they are experiencing. The soil of their hardened heart which has suffered many hurts and bears many scars is being softened and their guards against God are rapidly disappearing. When they take there need to the Lord in prayer there is a sound like they have never heard before as there is this intense passionate prayer that most definitely is not something like they have ever heard before everybody praying out loud together and while they dont know the first thing about prayer accept the world famous words of Our Father which art in heaven and at the end of the prayer there is this spontaneous expression of thanksgiving as if these people had genuinely believed that God had heard their petitions and you and I know that he has! The preacher begins with welcoming those to go with him on a journey thru the word of God and before he is even over with the message and offer an invitation they are feeling this overwhelming desire to respond in glorious surrender to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And true to form they not only respond in faith to this message but they are genuinely sorrowful for there sinful past which has contributed to his death and to all of there sorrows as well and God meets this repentant soul with acceptance and marvelouslly fills them with the Holy Ghost. In this state of estatic joy they ask what next and without hesitation we instruct them on the necessity of being baptized in the glorious name of Jesus Christ. Now up to this point there has been nothing controversial here accept for those who dont accept the New Testament plan of salvation as delivered throughout the book of Acts. In truth this will be experienced around the world once again this weekend and we rejoice with the many testimonies of conversion that grace our ears. We rejoice with them that rejoice. Now I am going to present something that will cause you to become alarmed in your spirit and it should as it is foreign to the REAL APOSTOLIC EXPERIENCE! There are some who having had such a marvelous conversion are yet living beneath their privileges of freedom from condemnation as they have somehow or another failed to hear the message loud and clear that their is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Any preacher that preaches a message of faith and deliverance can tell you plainly that many who set in the sanctuary and have received the New Testament salvation yet have deep seated anguish in the area of condemnation and we know that this ought not to be the experience of any child of God. If I were to give you the following as a testimony of someones life you would tell me that I was sick and twisted in my thinking and you would be absolutely correct. And so here is the testimony that I would give in their passing on to be with the Lord. Our dear friend came to the knowledge of Salvation nearly 40 years ago and remained faithful to the house of God all there life. They suffered with bouts of severe depression over a spirit of condemnation but they never left it keep them from supporting the work of the Lord and they faithfully attended every revival and always brought their children to Sunday School throughout all their years of schooling. They never complained about their bouts of condemnation and severe depression and they always seemed to put a smile on when asked to do something like prepare a dish for a special guest speaker or to pick somebody up for mid week bible study. And you would be correct in finding this so called testimony totally absurd and lacking content wherewith to glorify God!! Why because they suffered needlessly when provision has been made thru the death of the Lord Jesus Christ who was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him and so we NEED NOT LIVE A LIFE WITH LESS THAN HEAVENS BEST... the testimony that glorifies God isnt the life that suffers needlessly with condemnation and yet continue to walk with God that is utter NONSENSE! It makes as much sense as finding an organ donor who agrees to commit to surgery so that you can have a kidney transplant and live a normal life. They have surgically opened them up and removed the donors kidney to save your life and you then refuse to accept their organ. When the doctor walks in the room to perform the surgery to install the donated organ and is made aware of your contempt for the donated organ.. then the doctor in total shock and disgust sews you back up and that with utter frustration as you have caused the willing donor to suffer needlessly. We would all agree that this would be sick and perverted mindset and not anything to rejoice in. And this is why I write these thoughts....it makes as much sense to write about a child of God who lives beneath their redemption benefits suffering all life long with sickness and disease and while it is commendable that they never quit coming to church or supporting the work of God this is not an acceptable testimony but is ABSOLUTE HOGWASH....please dont pass this off as suffering for Jesus as you would make as much sense telling someone to suffer condemnation or guilt for sins forgiven or to continue to live beneath their privileges as this somehow is a most glorious testimony of Gods redeeming love. YOU ARE SICK AND PERVERTED TO TEACH SUCH GARBAGE THE APOSTOLIC MOVEMENT HAS MAJORED ON MINORS AND MINORED ON MAJORS...... NO WONDER JESUS WONDERED OUT LOUD WHEN I COME AGAIN WILL I FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH! I HAD TO GET OUTSIDE OF THE APOSTOLIC MOVEMENT TO LEARN ABOUT FREEDOM FROM CONDEMNATION AND DIVINE HEALING AND THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT AS THE APOSTOLIC MOVEMENT FOR THE MOST PART IS DEVOID OF THE REAL MESSAGE OF LOVE FOR THE WORD OF GOD...... IM GRIEVED AT THE FOOLISHNESS THAT MASQUERADES AS WISDOM IN THE MOVEMENT WHICH I LEFT!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:09:06 +0000

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