Woohoo! Its Day 12! 2 days left in the challenge I hope everyone - TopicsExpress


Woohoo! Its Day 12! 2 days left in the challenge I hope everyone is doing well. The exercises for today are as follows: 1. Lateral Shuffle to Frogger- in a low athletic pose I want you to shuffle 2-3 steps to the side and then stop to drop in a plank. Jump in to a frogger and then shuffle in the opposite direction. 2. Extended Flutter Walks- this exercise is kind of like a flutter kick but your legs rise up and down. Have your arms extended over your head. If you want an extra crunch then raise your shoulders off the ground the entire time and hold a light weight. 3. Ab Tap/Arm Reach Plank- this one is pretty self explanatory. You hold yourself in a plank and then you all tonight tapping your abs and then extending you arms out front. Watch your hip movement! 4. Scissor/Pike Plank- while on your elbows I want you to jump both legs out to the side, then jump your legs in for a pike. Try not to let you butt rise too high in the air. 5. Alternating Teaser- for the lady exercise of the day you will be lying down in traditional crunch position with arms extended over your head. You are to brin your body up like you were doing a sit up while bringing one leg up at the same time. For an extra challenge try using a weight! Do each exercise for 1 minute. Repeat the circuit for 3 sets. Happy crunching!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:20:00 +0000

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