Work. Chores. Pressures. No real time for the spouse. Or the - TopicsExpress


Work. Chores. Pressures. No real time for the spouse. Or the kids. Or for you. You keep on going. Doing what you have to do. Exhausted. Another day passes. Tick tick tick The alarm clock rings again. Until… one day… it doesn’t ring anymore. Is time running out on your dreams? It’s a horrible thought. It’s depressing. It’s downright scary. There is zero guarantee that ANY of us will roll out of bed tomorrow… And, that’s why so few of us actually DO think about it. We go through our lives, day after day, month after month, year after year, just living the same suffocating routine. Monday through Friday. Commute. The job. The boss. The commute home. The chores. The dishes. The lawn. The vacuum. The laundry. Taking the kids here. Driving the kids there. And then the weekend. The TV. Maybe a DVD. Falling asleep on the couch. But, occasionally, maybe in the middle of a sleepless night, or stuck in traffic, or maybe just crossing the street on your way to the lunch cart… You stop. And you have that thought. Is this the life I dreamed of? It really is a horrible thought… the idea that time keeps on moving, keeps on ticking, and before you know it, there will be no time left. What about the great plans you had growing up? What about how you would change the world? What about the dreams of travel, of adventure, of amazing memories, of incredible fun? What about that dream of never-ending romance and passion with your spouse that you had when you first said “Yes, I do?” What about the warmth and love and respect and nurturing you envisioned when you first held that crying newborn baby in your arms? What about those dreams of business success, of the great living you would make, of the comfort you would have from not having to worry about bills and credit card debt and expenses because your income would be so great… WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE DREAMS? And then the phone rings, or the boss sends an email or the kids start fighting or your laundry buzzer goes off or the garbage starts to stink or whatever it is happens again and draws you away, sucks away your time, sucks away your dreams, once again. And as you turn back to the chores, to the pressure, to the grind, you mutter once again… “If I only had the time… one day I’ll have the time…” Dani Johnson
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 00:37:38 +0000

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