Working toward a REALLY nicer day: This is going to be lengthy, - TopicsExpress


Working toward a REALLY nicer day: This is going to be lengthy, but I believe wed all be better people if we took the time to consider it. For longer than I can remember, I was raised to be a gentleman, courteous, and to consider the consequences of my actions. Many years ago, I developed a simple habit for myself which, I believe, pays great dividends in good-will, costs me nothing, but does make me more popular. This simple habit is: ALWAYS BE MINDFUL OF THE PERSON BEHIND YOU! The obvious is to hold a door after walking through it, but there are many additional ways we can all practice this every day: In the supermarket check-out lane, always place a divider AFTER your order is on the conveyor belt. The person behind you can often reach the belt, but not the dividers (this gets you a smile and a thank you almost every time! When making a left turn at a traffic light, pull a little farther into the intersection, so the person behind you can also make his/her left turn. Getting something from the office-supply closet: if the item you need is nearly the last one, take only what you need, and be sure to inform whomever orders supplies that more needs to be ordered. Conversations in public places yield numerous examples by themselves: My personal pet-peeve (I want to scream) is the couple that gets engrossed in conversation right at the end of an escalator, thereby blocking the folks on the escalator who have no choice but to run into them. People who stop to converse in doorways is a close-second. Then,theres the person who gets in a lengthy phone conversation, keeping the cashier and other customers waiting.You get the idea. If we are mindful of the person behind us, a tiny courtesy, costing us nothing, can make a huge difference. Once it becomes a habit, you wonder why others dont get it. I like to think of it as a mindful, courteous Pay it Forward action that, if enough people did it, I think we could reduce quite a lot of frustration in our lives. Your likes would be appreciated,and your comments welcome. Willing to try?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 03:07:13 +0000

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