Worthy to serve Who among us is worthy to serve God? God is - TopicsExpress


Worthy to serve Who among us is worthy to serve God? God is perfect. He is righteous and there is no fault in Him. He is the personification of truth, love and justice – pure righteousness! So who among us here on Earth is worthy to serve Him? Men of the world love to have control one over another. Great wars have been fought because of it. Poverty, frustration, anger and death are its bedfellows! Though the world hungers to be rid of these things, still they love their power of control! And we who say we have left the world have brought this thing with us! Within the ‘Church’ a few men make decisions on what everyone needs to believe – even if it is a twisted version of the truth! They make decisions as to what to believe how to serve, who should serve, who is worthy to serve God and in what capacity. Too often we base our selections for people in leadership rolls on their looks, willingness to be humble to us, accept and adopt our ways and beliefs. We have little concern should God have chosen and anointed them. As a result, many of those God has chosen to serve Him have been passed over. For, though none are worthy to serve Him as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory and purity required by God, still He chooses those He will that His purpose may be served. All too often those we have chosen to serve our God have not been chosen by Him. While those He anoints we reject. There is certain protocol we have within our places of fellowship and worship to maintain order, which is a good thing. For our God is a God of order and expects his children to be of an orderly nature. And order should be maintained. But we have also brought in an order of what to believe and who can serve. It is not relevant to us whether nor not do they truly believe, just as long as they help us to pump our line of faith – and will be humble before us and hold us aloft before others. We teach the way of the few. And we teach that way in such a way that our congregations feel comfortable and good about themselves. If any should dare to move outside of our established comfort zone we tag them as poor Christians and unworthy to serve. Not just within our midst, but unworthy to serve God! We make all our appointments according to standards we had in the world – which we have brought into the Church. Only ordained priests, elders and deacons may preach - and then only if they stay within our established comfort - zone boundaries. If they step outside of those boundaries we cast them out. Any who presume to try and preach and are not of our choosing, or if they are and they step outside of our comfort zone, then we examine them as to what we perceive as sin in their life. What their social standing is and how much they are worth in a financial aspect. Yes, even within the ‘Church’ we concern ourselves with financial status and social standing. We love our social standing and our power of direction over other people’s lives. So much of our inner self – our worldly inner self, have we brought with us into the Church that the Church has become distorted. An ugly thing, like a hobo festered with sores – not a pleasing sight! People come to the ‘Church’ to help them find new direction for their life. They are fed – up with the worries and trauma of a society where freedom is preached, yet everyone wants to tell everyone else what to do, but no one wants to help. They have heard about Jesus and all He did for us - the new life He promised. So they come to us for help and guidance in obtaining that end. But all they find is another bunch of people who want to lord it over their life and tell them what to do. They find a great deal of conflict between what the Bible teaches and what the ’Church’ teaches. The Bible is very explicit and tells us that none are worthy - none are righteous – save God! That righteousness, worthiness and holiness will not be ours until Christ returns and calls unto Him-self all those who have remained faithful. When He shall give them a robe of righteousness and they shall become holy, worthy to serve God! But we, contradictory to what the Bible says, would have them believe that we the clergy and leaders within the ‘Church’ are already righteous and have been made holy, worthy to serve God. And if they listen to us, then one day we’ll make them holy and worthy to serve God too! As if God has given us the power and sole right to choose who shall be made worthy to serve – according to our own whim! Originally these places we refer to as ‘Churches’ were places for believers to gather together in fellowship for praise and worship of God! But we have turned them in to places of ‘schooling’ after a worldly fashion. All those who originally kept order in our midst have now become teachers as well. And just like worldly teachers, they examine us, judge if we are worthy to attain the next level! Many people are prepared to accept this and go with the flow of what they are told – and be what they are told. But for those who’s greatest desire is to attain that level where they become worthy of the promise of God, we make confused. We examine them continually that they do and believe all that we instruct them. If they don’t then we sideline them. We cause them to feel, and even believe, that we alone can make them worthy for service. That ‘new life’ in Christ Jesus is subject to our whim of choosing! It may not be our intention, but we cause people to believe that it is by what, and how much they do in our midst, if they will make it through the gates of Heaven. For we have caused them to believe that we alone are worthy! Yet we, more so than any other, are unworthy! And many of us will never enter the gates of Heaven for we have opened the door to Satan and pride rules that we believe in our hearts! There was a time when the world saw us within the ‘Church’ as a humble, caring, helpful body of souls. There was a time when they saw us as men and women worthy to serve. Now they are hard – put to find one who is humble. They don’t see any leaders who are poor and happy in their poverty. But they do see many who have plenty and are hungry for more. They don’t see the mighty works of the Church in the community as in yester-year, but they do hear a group of people crying out for more money and threatening people that they won’t be blessed if they don’t tythe the Church. They find few reasons to see us as blessed by God and worthy to serve Him. And if this is the view of a disillusioned world, well we might wonder if there are any among us who God will make worthy to serve! We call ourselves Christians, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet who among us would live the life that He lived? He lived and preached on the streets! He relied on the grace of God for His every meal. He had no fast car to travel from place to place and there was no public transport! It was doubtful if He even had a change of clothing, or a blanket to sleep under! He lived in abject poverty but had the humility to accept humbly and thankfully all that His Father in Heaven should give! And if the local law persecuted Him for the way He lived and the things He did and preached, He didn’t bow to their way but stood firm and continued with His Father’s work! There was no law made that could stop Him going where He needed to, nor from speaking out at any time or place. We sing this man’s praise in song, ‘You alone are worthy.’ Yet we like to think of ourselves as having already been made worthy while still hanging on to many of our worldly ways. None of us are worthy! And nor will we be until He returns and offers us that robe of righteousness. That day for which we can only live in hope! In the mean time we will carry on in our way. We will sing our songs of praise to God and we will preach our brand of faith. We will strut around like prize turkeys in our places of worship and sing our own praises before men and think that we are holy men of God and worthy to serve Him! We will continue to choose and call worthy to serve those we desire. We will continue to choose those we feel are ready to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And we will continue to expect our God to accept those of our choosing! We will continue to be like the Pharisees of our Lords time. For in all our doings we are no different than they! There have been times when God has sent His servants to us that we might learn His truth. But what have we done with them? These servants we fear! So we examine them as to their faith. If we don’t find them wanting in this area, we view their financial and social status and to what we think it should be. If they don’t meet our criteria, then we reject them saying that they are deceived. They cannot possibly be servants of God for He has not blessed them! And we cast them out tagging them as fools and lost souls! Few of those sent us by God have we accepted! Most of us believe we are right. That all we believe in is the truth – no matter that it might differ from others. But then doubt creeps in and we say, ‘but on the off chance I have got it wrong, God will forgive me!’ Will He? When we open our mouth and anything comes out that we are not sure of, that we don’t know with total conviction to be the truth, then it is against the Father for it was not given us by Him! And if it comes of ourselves, we do not serve the Father but our master Satan! We must live and speak only the truth if ever we are to be made worthy to serve God when Jesus returns. All our different views and our gues - work need go. The truth is constant. Unchanging! When we come with all our different views, part truths and guess – work, we create a lie. And one lie turns all the good work we may have done in the past into a lie. If there is one bad apple in the barrel it will send the rest bad. So check every apple before it goes in that none is blemished and the rest of the barrel remain good! It is paramount that we clean up His house before He comes. For if He returns and we have not done so, how will He find us worthy to serve the Father? Will we say that we didn’t know that His house was not ready when we paid it little attention but went our own way and did as we pleased? We hate the thought of serving someone else. We don’t mind for someone else to serve us – in fact we like it. It makes us feel important. It gives us feelings of control over others. But for us to serve someone else invokes memories of slavery. And slavery is an abomination to most people’s mind. Even though we say we serve God, that we are His ‘slaves’, deep within our hearts we know this is not really true. We feather our own nest. We are only in it for what we have to gain. If God took eternal life off the agenda how many of us would still serve Him – or even love Him? We carry on with our God in much the same way as we do with each other. We in clergy and leadership roles tell people that we are their servants. Yet we tell them what to do, how to do, what to believe and accept. We tell them to do it our way and they will be okay. In much the same way we treat our God! We sing Him a song, tell him we love Him, and then promptly tell Him what we want and what we want Him to do for us. We offer up for service those we choose and expect Him top accept them and we tell Him who to bless (mostly ourselves) and expect Him to comply. And this we call service to God! We can’t serve someone by telling them what to do! When you serve someone you do so by their will and not your own! To serve is to help and to be of help to someone we need to help them in the way that they need and want. By their will and not our own! Only then are we of any worth to them. Only then are we worthy to serve them. And we are only worthy to serve God when we do it by His will and have met all the criteria God requires before we become worthy to serve! We love others to see us as ‘good Christians’ – holy men and women of God, made free from sin and worthy to serve Him through the blood of the Lamb. We prance about in our meeting places and hold our heads up high. We expect others to take our council and live the way we tell them. But then we go out in to the world and live according to the way of the world. We are heathens! Hypocrites! Pharisees you might call us, a nest of snakes and vipers! What gives us the right to preach a way of life we do not live in full ourselves? If we can’t live it then we should not preach it, but only that which we can – and do! We preach a belief and a following that our own lives say we don’t believe or follow. And if we are caught out, then we use our humanity as an excuse to serve our own will and not that of the Father! ‘God will forgive us’, we say. ‘He knows we are weak and will often fall. He knows we can never match up to Jesus!’ And so we don’t even try but serve our own will first – and teach others to do the same! Our God is a loving God and it is in His heart to forgive us all our sin, but how can He forgive us when our own self – interest and self – indulgent actions say that we don’t really care? When God the Father sent His Son into the world, because of His great love for us, He was willing to suffer the greatest pain any loving father could know – the death of a son! (And who we were quick to kill!) And what made His pain worse was those He loved the most and called ‘His people’ were the ones who did the deed! The wages of sin is death! Each and every one of us upon the face of this Earth has sinned and fallen short of God’s glo0ry. Therefore, each and every one of us owes God a life as the cost of our sin. Not one of us is able to pay the cost of another’s sin, for each has his own debt to pay! Only one who was pure and without sin could pay such a price for the sake of another. There was none on the Earth who could achieve this, so God, because of this great love He has for us, sent His own perfect Son to do it for us! But not only did He send Him among us to die, but to teach us how to live – without sin! To set us on the road to becoming worthy to serve Him! Our claim is that we want to be like Jesus. We see the lofty heights to which God raised Him both as a person here on Earth and as King of Kings in that which is to come. But the way we carry on anyone would think that we had already gained those dizzy heights! It’s almost as if we believe that our service to God begins with glory for us among men! We don’t see any merit in being humble like Jesus was. If we were humble like Him we may well live our life without any knowing that ever we were! No, it is better that we dress up and strut before men in our glory and that others should praise us and call us holy men and women worthy to serve God! We of the clergy treat all others as if they are our personal slaves. (They can’t be servants for servants are paid and these we do not pay!) We do not communicate directly with the masses, but choose from among their number ‘elders’ and ‘leaders’. These we tell what we want done - and by whom. We hold them responsible to see that it’s carried out. Our only direct dialog with the masses is to talk ‘shop’. Should any approach us and want to discuss matters within the running, or programs of the ‘Church’ – or indeed, a heavy conversation about God, we direct them away to either an ‘elder’, or someone else of a lesser role! We wear our collars on backwards and say that it represents the collar of a slave and we tell the people that we are their servants. But we hold ourselves apart and aloof from them! This is how we treat our God! We are forever ‘yabbering’ at Him. Telling Him what we want, what we are going to do for Him and who to accept as worthy to serve Him! It’s like we think that God has been around for so long that He has grown feeble – minded with old age and needs us to tell Him what to do! When are we going to learn? God does not need us! He was before us and will be after us. He loves us, but He does not need us! And it is only through this great love He has for us that we have been offered the chance to some day come into His presence and be made worthy to serve! should give! And if the local law persecuted Him for the way He lived and the things He did and preached, He didn’t bow to their way but stood firm and continued with His Father’s work! There was no law made that could stop Him going where He needed to, nor from speaking out at any time or place. We sing this man’s praise in song, ‘You alone are worthy.’ Yet we like to think of ourselves as having already been made worthy while still hanging on to many of our worldly ways. None of us are worthy! And nor will we be until He returns and offers us that robe of righteousness. That day for which we can only live in hope! In the mean time we will carry on in our way. We will sing our songs of praise to God and we will preach our brand of faith. We will strut around like prize turkeys in our places of worship and sing our own praises before men and think that we are holy men of God and worthy to serve Him! We will continue to choose and call worthy to serve those we desire. We will continue to choose those we feel are ready to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And we will continue to expect our God to accept those of our choosing! We will continue to be like the Pharisees of our Lords time. For in all our doings we are no different than they! There have been times when God has sent His servants to us that we might learn His truth. But what have we done with them? These servants we fear! So we examine them as to their faith. If we don’t find them wanting in this area, we view their financial and social status and to what we think it should be. If they don’t meet our criteria, then we reject them saying that they are deceived. They cannot possibly be servants of God for He has not blessed them! And we cast them out tagging them as fools and lost souls! Few of those sent us by God have we accepted! Most of us believe we are right. That all we believe in is the truth – no matter that it might differ from others. But then doubt creeps in and we say, ‘but on the off chance I have got it wrong, God will forgive me!’ Will He? When we open our mouth and anything comes out that we are not sure of, that we don’t know with total conviction to be the truth, then it is against the Father for it was not given us by Him! And if it comes of ourselves, we do not serve the Father but our master Satan! We must live and speak only the truth if ever we are to be made worthy to serve God when Jesus returns. All our different views and our gues - work need go. The truth is constant. Unchanging! When we come with all our different views, part truths and guess – work, we create a lie. And one lie turns all the good work we may have done in the past into a lie. If there is one bad apple in the barrel it will send the rest bad. So check every apple before it goes in that none is blemished and the rest of the barrel remain good! It is paramount that we clean up His house before He comes. For if He returns and we have not done so, how will He find us worthy to serve the Father? Will we say that we didn’t know that His house was not ready when we paid it little attention but went our own way and did as we pleased? We hate the thought of serving someone else. We don’t mind for someone else to serve us – in fact we like it. It makes us feel important. It gives us feelings of control over others. But for us to serve someone else invokes memories of slavery. And slavery is an abomination to most people’s mind. Even though we say we serve God, that we are His ‘slaves’, deep within our hearts we know this is not really true. We feather our own nest. We are only in it for what we have to gain. If God took eternal life off the agenda how many of us would still serve Him – or even love Him? We carry on with our God in much the same way as we do with each other. We in clergy and leadership roles tell people that we are their servants. Yet we tell them what to do, how to do, what to believe and accept. We tell them to do it our way and they will be okay. In much the same way we treat our God! We sing Him a song, tell him we love Him, and then promptly tell Him what we want and what we want Him to do for us. We offer up for service those we choose and expect Him top accept them and we tell Him who to bless (mostly ourselves) and expect Him to comply. And this we call service to God! We can’t serve someone by telling them what to do! When you serve someone you do so by their will and not your own! To serve is to help and to be of help to someone we need to help them in the way that they need and want. By their will and not our own! Only then are we of any worth to them. Only then are we worthy to serve them. And we are only worthy to serve God when we do it by His will and have met all the criteria God requires before we become worthy to serve! We love others to see us as ‘good Christians’ – holy men and women of God, made free from sin and worthy to serve Him through the blood of the Lamb. We prance about in our meeting places and hold our heads up high. We expect others to take our council and live the way we tell them. But then we go out in to the world and live according to the way of the world. We are heathens! Hypocrites! Pharisees you might call us, a nest of snakes and vipers! What gives us the right to preach a way of life we do not live in full ourselves? If we can’t live it then we should not preach it, but only that which we can – and do! We preach a belief and a following that our own lives say we don’t believe or follow. And if we are caught out, then we use our humanity as an excuse to serve our own will and not that of the Father! ‘God will forgive us’, we say. ‘He knows we are weak and will often fall. He knows we can never match up to Jesus!’ And so we don’t even try but serve our own will first – and teach others to do the same! Our God is a loving God and it is in His heart to forgive us all our sin, but how can He forgive us when our own self – interest and self – indulgent actions say that we don’t really care? When God the Father sent His Son into the world, because of His great love for us, He was willing to suffer the greatest pain any loving father could know – the death of a son! (And who we were quick to kill!) And what made His pain worse was those He loved the most and called ‘His people’ were the ones who did the deed! The wages of sin is death! Each and every one of us upon the face of this Earth has sinned and fallen short of God’s glo0ry. Therefore, each and every one of us owes God a life as the cost of our sin. Not one of us is able to pay the cost of another’s sin, for each has his own debt to pay! Only one who was pure and without sin could pay such a price for the sake of another. There was none on the Earth who could achieve this, so God, because of this great love He has for us, sent His own perfect Son to do it for us! But not only did He send Him among us to die, but to teach us how to live – without sin! To set us on the road to becoming worthy to serve Him! Our claim is that we want to be like Jesus. We see the lofty heights to which God raised Him both as a person here on Earth and as King of Kings in that which is to come. But the way we carry on anyone would think that we had already gained those dizzy heights! It’s almost as if we believe that our service to God begins with glory for us among men! We don’t see any merit in being humble like Jesus was. If we were humble like Him we may well live our life without any knowing that ever we were! No, it is better that we dress up and strut before men in our glory and that others should praise us and call us holy men and women worthy to serve God! We of the clergy treat all others as if they are our personal slaves. (They can’t be servants for servants are paid and these we do not pay!) We do not communicate directly with the masses, but choose from among their number ‘elders’ and ‘leaders’. These we tell what we want done - and by whom. We hold them responsible to see that it’s carried out. Our only direct dialog with the masses is to talk ‘shop’. Should any approach us and want to discuss matters within the running, or programs of the ‘Church’ – or indeed, a heavy conversation about God, we direct them away to either an ‘elder’, or someone else of a lesser role! We wear our collars on backwards and say that it represents the collar of a slave and we tell the people that we are their servants. But we hold ourselves apart and aloof from them! This is how we treat our God! We are forever ‘yabbering’ at Him. Telling Him what we want, what we are going to do for Him and who to accept as worthy to serve Him! It’s like we think that God has been around for so long that He has grown feeble – minded with old age and needs us to tell Him what to do! When are we going to learn? God does not need us! He was before us and will be after us. He loves us, but He does not need us! And it is only through this great love He has for us that we have been offered the chance to some day come into His presence and be made worthy to serve!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 23:51:47 +0000

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