Wow,have you all seen the damage that these oil spills are - TopicsExpress


Wow,have you all seen the damage that these oil spills are creating? We as a people need/must stand up for Mother Nature!! I see that a handfull of Native protestors are doing ther part,as the rest of us watch it on TV,Thinking its not our problem? If we dont stop this now? When is it going to stop? I knw we all have our hands full with our daily life struggles,but What are we all going to do when the Government starts to charge an arm and a leg,for simple reasources such as water,etc Water is Life! Its a good thing the Lord takes care of the natural ways of our planet! If it were up to the Government we would have to pay to feed our forests water? Without the trees that R eatn the carbon dioxides and creating oxygen etc,we would all be in serious trouble? We wouldnt be able to Breathe for cyn out Loud We need to stand together as one,instead of watching a handful of natives marching down the highways in Alberta,tryn to make a point? Please Re-post,and or Scream it out loud at the protest held all over!!! Or as your in the busy malls,where it seems nobody even cares? Please put our prospective into there thick skulls? Im Praying for us all! Think of our Grand kids,What will they have to deal with? If our mother survives that long?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:02:28 +0000

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