Write Down Your 100 Dreams By BO SANCHEZ There are a few - TopicsExpress


Write Down Your 100 Dreams By BO SANCHEZ There are a few things in life that make me go berserk. One of them is when someone says, “I’m bored.” I mean, how can anyone be bored in a world so beautiful and full and exciting as this planet we’re living in? Well one day, a fifteen-year old friend with aluminum fingernails and 12-inch clogs told me, “I’m bored.” Instead of bouncing up and down shrieking my head off, I decided to calmly ask, “Why?” “Because my cell phone’s busted and I can’t text anyone!” Ooooooh. Because Armageddon can break loose, the ozone layer can disappear, and an asteroid can destroy half the planet—but these disasters cannot compare to the calamity of a teener without her cell-phone. “Here’s a piece of paper,” I tore from my diary. “Write down 100 dreams you want to do before you die.” Her eyes bulged. “One hundred? I-I never thought of…” After thinking for awhile, she sheepishly said, “Well, I wanted to buy the cute avocado-green Benetton shirt I saw yesterday in the mall. Is that considered a dream?” “I’ll let that pass. Write that down as number 99 or 100. Anything more exciting?” “Uh…, I once thought of becoming an author of a novel one day. But nah…” she brushed off the idea with a wave of her hand. “Write that down,” I commanded, “I will become a terrific novelist.’” As she scribbled the line, she asked, “Should I include the word terrific?” “Put that down, girl!” I almost shouted. “What else?” “I sometimes imagine myself starting my own shop. It will sell trinkets that girls like me love to buy. But it’s too far-fetched…” “Fabulous! Write that down!” She went on. “And one day, I hope to give a million pesos to a Home for the Aged.” Soon, she didn’t need any more coaxing. She was like a runaway train, her eyes on fire. Learn the violin. Travel to Paris and Beijing. Try skydiving once. Become a gourmet cook. Get married and have three kids. When she finished dream number 100 (the cute avocado-green T-shirt was somehow forgotten), I said, “Think of small things you can do NOW that will make you closer to the fulfillment of your dreams. Start with the novelist dream...” “Well, I could start reading novels. I’ll learn the craft.” “Fantastic! And how about the “trinkets shop” idea?” “Perhaps I could learn more about bracelets and nail polish and hair stuff…” I suggested, “You can also work in any store during summer or on weekends, even if they don’t pay you a cent. Learn how it works, from top to bottom!” “This is exciting!” she shrieked. “And you say you want to give one million pesos to a Home for the Aged?” “Don’t tell me, Bo. I could visit them now! Maybe monthly! In that way, I’ll never forget my promise! Gosh, I’ve got a million things to do! Got to go!” She bid me farewell and off she went, the girl with the aluminum fingernails and 12-inch clogs. Hmm. That was strange. I thought I just saw a young girl without her cell phone. Happy. I must be seeing things. Write down your 100 dreams. It may just do strange things to you as well. May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:53:01 +0000

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