Write a comment... Brandon Son Ofbenyahmin A brother and I - TopicsExpress


Write a comment... Brandon Son Ofbenyahmin A brother and I were talking last night and I mentioned if we could only live in the spirit of Torah and if everybody on the entire planet would follow the Torah of the Ruach that the world would fall into place. I believe that the Torah of Ruach is what Yahushua was trying to show us but our carnal tent cannot perceive the truth because our inner chamber is neglected. I believe the Torah begins in the inner sanctuary so that we can bring the outer courts into harmony with the inside. I believe that theres a true Torah and not many of us possess it. The sobering fact is that there are so many cliques and rivals in the Torah here on facebook we see fighting and jockeying for spiritual superiority. We could get 100 of us Torah Observant folks together in a community and within hours it would begin to crash. Although we say shalom, there is no shalom. But why have we been told that ascending the inner man is pagan or satanic? Whats wrong with a man spending his time seeking out the dark qualities and the poison that exists within? Why are frequencies and vibration off limits when we know negativity is a frequency and blessings and good words bring life with power? If we followed Torah correctly in a community there would be no conflict because there would be no offense. Each individual would scour the effects of their actions and would be less likely to offend. And if one would offend it would not fall on fertile soil for the others would be masters of turning negativity into good cheer. We seem to love the combative things Yahushua said like when he turned over the tables but we neglect the commands of offering the other cheek and giving them 2 miles when theyve asked for one. I believe if we till the soil of our inner chamber his seed will take root and we would strive with no man. We would be a walking proverb that knows the effects of a proud look, harsh words, provoking drama for it is written a soft answer turns away wrath Spend the time taking away our bad habits and we know what they are because the Torah has been deposited in our hearts. We then would see the floodgates of revelation and shalom come down to us. Be still and Be silent. Help much, give much and learn to turn negativity into positivity. Weve been at this for 6 days, its time to get it right because in a few hours Sabbath rest comes and our teacher Yahushua will give us the grain himself. Unlike · · Share · 18 hours ago · You, Manuel Estrada, Lashon HaBrith, Cynthia Cochran Richardson and 15 others like this. 1 share Mary Avello Midgley you are on the right track..we become like him from the inside.Our brother came not to bring peace but division and I seeing so much in many people argue what day sabbath is and how to spell or say his name then get mad because you are not believing what they believe.that is not the way of the master he was totally opposite many say they are not religionist yet I see so many pharisees and they dont even know it 18 hours ago · Like · 3 Sadie Espinoza I personally never understood the back biting myself.. Coming out of the church and seeing all what I saw on Facebook I couldnt understand but I kept pressing forward and praying that YAHUWA would teach me the right way.. I left behind saying the Lord, God, and JC...Only to see t he for a 17 hours ago · Unlike · 4 Anthony Senior We seem to love the combative things Yahushua said like when he turned over the tables but we neglect the commands of offering the other cheek and giving them 2 miles when theyve asked for one. 1000 percent correct 16 hours ago · Unlike · 4 Manuel Estrada give it up; before YAHUWAH ( before is too late ) shalom shalom people 15 hours ago · Unlike · 3 Vern White Alot of us dont understand that we need to wait to be SENT by YAH as all of Messiahs taught ones were and not to try to do it on our own. If we do it on our own that can only cause division. As Shual (Paul) said how can one hear without one proclaiming and how can one proclaim without being SENT. We need to be SENT by YAH before we can teach anyone anything. Please look in to this. 15 hours ago · Unlike · 8 Natalie Sutton I cant wait till king comes back to set things straight ... 14 hours ago · Like · 3 Barbara Anderson When scriptures says, Matt 10:16, to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, is the emphasis most always placed on the serpent and not on the dove?? Something to think about.... Great post here, Brandon Son Ofbenyahmin... 13 hours ago · Unlike · 2 Brandon Son Ofbenyahmin Yes sister the secrets of the kingdom are within our tents we often talk about these hidden things as you know : ) 13 hours ago · Unlike · 4 Jackie Bourg Yes but its all about renewing our minds... for, can we sew a new patch on an old tent??? 13 hours ago · Like · 2 Julie Fleming Yes...... all confirmation from what I have heard as well Brother B! 12 hours ago · Like · 2 Barbara Anderson Thinking its not about the tent at all, its about whats inside the tent. Renewing the mind is changing the heart and soul in the image of the Father through the Son with the Ruach. Changing from the carnal man thought to the pure spiritual thought of our Creator. Hence new wine. We become a new creature when we have the mind of the set apart spirit. 12 hours ago · Unlike · 5 Lashon HaBrith Sometimes it is as difficult for a mature-ish believer in the Messiah to fellowship with a new believer, because when we first come to the light, we bring a lot of darkness with us, and it is difficult for light to have fellowship with darkness. If you give up Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, and enjoy fellowshipping about the Feasts of YA-hu-WAH, it becomes very difficult to try to fellowship with those still holding on to the pagan baggage, who have no interest in eating at the Fathers table. They quite often are satisfied to just eat the pigslop with the prodigal son. 8 hours ago · Edited · Unlike · 3 Brandon Son Ofbenyahmin I understand .....I also see emotional filth as no different than worshipping devils .....Remember Yahushua said the inside of them were like tombs and he also said we must clean that first 8 hours ago · Unlike · 4 April Franklin Doing it in and with love being stealthy and very aware of ourselves 7 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Baruch Ben-Yaakov Its Time I stop Casting my Pearls Achi, I could not go without saying goodbye. Shalum. 5 hours ago · Like Steve Robb Great Thread Brandon Sharing! a few seconds ago · Like
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:50:04 +0000

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