Writing on the Hearts of Others November 15, 2013 In the book of - TopicsExpress


Writing on the Hearts of Others November 15, 2013 In the book of Genesis, it tells us that when God created the heavens and earth, He spoke them into existence. Because we are made in His image, scripture tells us that we also have the power to create with our words, too. I like to think of it this way: We are all artists with our words, and we paint on the canvas of peoples hearts by what we speak, good or bad. Thats why we need to be careful to use our words wisely as a skillful artist would, creating a positive, encouraging masterpiece in the hearts of our family members, friends and coworkers. A beautiful work of art isnt created by merely choosing the right paint colors; its created by the technique of the artist as well. In the same way, we have to be just as careful with how we communicate as we are with what we communicate. Years ago, I learned this lesson the hard way when I was trying to encourage our son, Jonathan, to practice his guitar. I was driving the kids home from school one day and thinking about all the loose ends Id left dangling on that particular afternoon. You might say I was feeling a bit stressed, and I let that stress come right through when I sharply asked, Jonathan, have you practiced your guitar at all this week? Before he could answer, I continued, You know, if you dont practice your guitar now, youll be sorry down the road when you want to play in the band at church and youre not good enough. On and on I went, trying to encourage my eleven-year-old son to practice his guitar with enthusiasm and passion, and yet, I could see his countenance deflating and becoming more discouraged by the minute. All at once, I started listening to my own words, which really werent very encouraging or inspiring at all. In fact, they were rather discouraging. When I realized that I was painting a negative picture on the canvas of his heart, I immediately stopped myself and said, Jonathan, Im sorry. I realize I wasnt very encouraging just now. Will you forgive me? I looked at him in the rearview mirror, and he just smiled at me so sweetly. Right then, I decided to change what I was painting. I said, Jonathan, you are so talented musically. Thats why I want you to practice. I know the more you practice, the better youll become. I repackaged my words and changed my voice from the voice of discouragement and defeat to the voice of encouragement and victory. Just like anything else, it takes practice to become a skillful painter with your words, but you can do it! Even when you have to bring correction or instruction, you can position your words so they will be more easily received. When you realize the impact of your words, youll seize every opportunity to write positive messages on the hearts of the people you love. …My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. (Psalm 45:1, NKJV)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:21:14 +0000

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