Written by a friend. Please share. A bit of a lengthy poem - TopicsExpress


Written by a friend. Please share. A bit of a lengthy poem called Where Has OUR Australia Gone..... if you have time though, enjoy.... “Where Has OUR Australia Gone? Where has our Australia gone Our beautiful home with golden sand, girt by crystal, bright blue seas Our National Anthem played to every crowd, its sweet tune echoing across Our rugged sunburnt land, this song we would ALL sing so very loud and proud With the utmost of respect for which we would ALL honour As we removed our hats and rose to stand. When did OUR freedoms end, slowly theyve slipped by Of which BOTH our indigenous and forefathers Fought so heroically and courageously, and for which so many died All of those so young and brave, many even barely men With determination and great courage, their hearts filled with patriotic pride. From all around the globe, many came from far and wide To have a better life and home, black or white, or blonde haired and blue eyed Received with open arms, and friendly welcomes For damn right this country was to all, a truly beautiful And glorious safe haven. Of different Gods we worshipped, none of us ever gave our mind Orthodox, Buddhism, Hindu or Jewish, we all respected each others views We all went on our own merry ways, quietly and peacefully To whomever we chose to worship, and to whom we chose to pray No demands were being made, on our Countrys historically Christian values or any of our Christian ways. When we, as children and even some of our own and even theirs Would trot off to school and begin the day with perhaps our Anthem or at least In childish voices, a God Save The Queen where, in every school hall Her picture was displayed and outside of which our Australian flag would be raised In all of its proud glory and with the help of a gentle breeze Would stand tall and proudly wave. Now, every morning I awake to something new we are no longer allowed to say Our Aussie mateship, our laid back ways, our Aussie carefree days Apparently some find offensive, even our Shell Be Right Mates and also our Gdays Please then feel free, Ill even help you pack To be on your miserable and hateful ways. For years and years we lived in harmony, for no matter from where you came We all embraced the Aussie way sharing and delighting in the glory of Our sun and sand, our surf and waves. Our beautiful bikini clad Aussie beach babes felt safe and free without any fear Of the ones who soon followed here, on their arrival so quick to judge and offend With such hatred and disdain in those dark and sinister eyes they owned Cruelly judging and branding them cheap white Aussie sluts and whores Our Aussie women, to them, just pieces of meat they so loathed For dressing like they always have, who the hell are THEY to condemn, With such loathing of our lifestyle Then why oh why did they even come to our magnificent and glorious shores. Mark my words the time will come, two separate areas of flags will soon be seen When segregation of our beaches, Im sure, thy will be done For those “others” to feel comfortable to laugh and play and swim Ensuring for them that WE dont offend for THEM to have to view Our beautiful and normal Aussie beachside scenes under clear skies oh so blue. How dare our swimming pools be closed for certain groups to swim and play Not only to our men but also our women and children on almost every second day Just because we dont believe and share in their beliefs and pray to their same HIM What happens if we want to be let in? Oh no not unless we believe in and dress like them Do WE or have WE ever demanded or put in place these same rules on anyone? Of course not! We wouldnt even dream of doing such a thing! How dare they take offence to our Christian times of year Our Christmas carols, our decorations our Merry Christmas wishes We dont expect or ask of them to join with us in our celebrations Why don’t they go about their daily lives quietly and allow us to enjoy OUR rights Of festive cheer and OUR traditions. Just as many others of different religions and those of who believe in none It is not Happy Holidays nor Holiday Trees It is Merry Christmas and Christmas Trees Get over it, or once again, Ill help you pack your bags I’ll be honoured to show you the way to leave. How dare our foods and groceries and seriously? Even our pets food, can you believe? Now needing to be stamped certified to ensure by THEIR God it is approved For them to purchase and consume. What about us? Very few choices we now have to purchase foods Prepared in ways we may not believe, and almost forcing yet, another tax To finance THEIR religious beliefs and THEIR religious acts. Shame on those who have chosen to bow and scrape to them allowing Products to be so certified, even refusing to display the labels For others to clearly be able to identify. Damn right, where are OUR consumer’s rights to be able to clearly see The label being displayed, this should become the law With which I passionately agree. What’s next, what will it ever be? Will it be our Aussie gear, our Driza-Bones and our Akubra hats Soon to bear that label to display, stating that these too were made With the approval of THEIR God and in accordance with THEIR religious acts? Our favourite Aussie restaurants slowly but surely now following suit Were we asked how we felt of this? Did we all jump up and down Causing riots in the streets? Of course not, we all sat back, most of us remained on mute. Their unwillingness and refusal to integrate within this better life they sought With their intolerance of other ethnic groups and how they peacefully live their way All we ever asked from them was to respect our traditions, our heritage, our culture To embrace and join in and accept our way of life, to respect our laws, our rules Instead they are a law unto themselves, and continue on like vultures. With constant demands and, oh yes wait for it theres still even more Im just waiting for what will surely no doubt be For them to take offence to even our Banjo Pattersons books of poetry Or our Waltzing Matildas oh and wait its Easter soon, will they loathe too Our Easter moon? Or will it be our Anzac Day to honour and remember those Who selflessly sacrificed their lives, for people such as those to share In our beautiful Country so welcoming and free. New laws and rules starting to be changed and set just for them For now we are ALL meant to comply with what THEIR God says Quite frankly, screw them and their Amens. That same old lame excuse, yet again the religious card is dealt and Once more comes up trumps again, each and every time, whenever it suits them. Well, well, well what do you know as they take and take and demand and demand While happily and greedily feeding off our unbelievable tolerance, not to mention Our taxes handed out so generously while they demand change to suit THEIR ways, In our beloved homeland. And here we go, let’s go again new Banks and rules just to suit them Guess what? Their religious deck of cards comes in to play, oh yes, yet again How easy it is made for them to receive that good ol’ Aussie dream Of owning that quarter of an acre block and a decent home Where were those people then, who were meant to be on our team? What about our honest decent hardworking Aussie women and our blokes Working 12-14 hour days, week in, week out, day after long day So many of them busting their guts working two and three jobs on low pay Continuously struggling to earn an honest buck, it’s taken off them straight away Barely able to keep their families, and their homes and heads afloat. Whatever happened to giving all our mates a helping hand Oh no let’s support and make sure we keep happy those all new to our land What about our Aussie farmers doing it so tough simply to keep their bills at bay While they work blood, sweat and tears for their next decent bales of hay Our home grown meats, our fruit and vegies, our wheat and other grains When and why did these “others” become more important To bow down to with their hands always outstretched and their demands? Oh yes, all of you bleeding hearts out there for dismissing the ones already on our homeland Exactly WHO here is receiving more than they give of their fair share of Our Aussie good nature, support and will, and of our giving of our own A decent “Aussie Fair Go”. Another fine line has now been crossed protection from our Courts of Law From which we can no longer rely, for apparently it is unclear to THEM How women here are treated and how our women are defined A special new provision they may now for apply, speaking blame of “Cultural Differences” The new and already successfully used acceptable defence, pulled out of their magic hats A whole new sarcastic meaning placed on the saying The Land of the Free A new and dangerous precedent has now indeed been set for such heinous acts. Some may call this racist, I dont believe thats true Im simply pointing out what So many others, like myself believe in their hearts know to be true too We are all now afraid to say and our lifestyles and our beliefs are being compromised For way too far has this political correctness game now gone We can no longer voice our opinion nor our point of view for if we do These other tired words of which are so commonly over-used Racism and Discrimination Would be the words spat and hissed at us as their predictable answer and excuse For these minority groups taking control of the world we live today When was it when these tables were turned? Long gone now the days of when, the “Majority” of the people’s voices were the ones to rule. Australia Day IS Australias Day, - Invasion Day or Citizens Day Are you bloody serious? When will you stop whining and constantly demanding more? Its not all about YOU or where the hell YOU were born Its the day we should ALL join together in a happy celebration So how about you just be grateful and rejoice in our beautiful way of life Handed to us all by this magnificent and glorious Nation. Our recent, present or future generations, we cannot be held responsible for The happenings of what went on down here of all of those hundreds of years gone by All we can do, is to continue to honour and respect the heritage Of our beautiful culture of our wonderful indigenous and embrace this with respect This history, and I believe we try, of ancient dreamtimes and sacred sites and lands. It’s time for us to all stand tall, and really find where OUR Australia has gone To find our voices, put OUR foot down and really stop to think and ask ourselves EXACTLY WHO here is suffering from those words so often yelled of ‘Racism” and “Discrimination”? Oh and one last thought, for if you decide to burn our flag With contempt and hatred towards our Australia Day and Australian land Then here’s a tip, just for you, make sure you wrap yourself in it first, nice and firm And pulled so tight before you grab those matches and strike up the first light. So grab your mates, blokes fill those eskies with ice cold beer Ladies, grab your cosies and chill those Aussie vineyard wines Men, feel free to leave those budgie smugglers tucked away safe at home Pull on your Aussie boardies with your other matching Aussie gear Crank up those Aussie tunes and wave those Aussie flags And celebrate and take a stand with all your Aussie pride and with all your Aussie cheer! Wear proud those true blue bikinis our beautiful Aussie beach babes Hold your heads high on our beaches and be proud youre Aussie made If I had not born three children, and the not so proud owner of “rooly noice” stretch marks and the age of 45 I’d be right there to join you, right there by your sides in full OZ bikini glory and full of Aussie pride Heat up those barbies men and prepare yourselves a brilliant day For we should all be proud to be Aussies too right we are All the bloody fair dinkum way, true blue Aussies from the land Down Under Whether you were born here or came a different way, we should be proud of this day If you take offence to this, then “shoo” and be on your way and go and hang your hateful head in shame and cower in your cave. For damn right we wont let anyone spoil for us this joyous and wonderful day!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:40:41 +0000

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