Written by good buddy Tim Michael PART I I saw two - TopicsExpress


Written by good buddy Tim Michael PART I I saw two great discussions on Fox Business channel this morning, one on Bulls and Bears, and the other on Cavuto. Both discussions centered on His Majesty the Kings immigration executive order. Part I will focus on the Bulls and Bears discussion. They were talking about the impact on jobs. Gary B. Smith quoted an interesting statistic that is mind boggling. He said that over the past 14 years that a NET of 6 million jobs have been created, and of those 6 million jobs, 5.8 million went to illegal immigrants. Consider that for a moment... When you hear a jobs report now that comes out once a month and you hear that X amount of jobs were created, just know that 98% of those jobs went to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Now we have to ask a couple of very hard questions. One of the guests said without hesitation that these are low-wage jobs that Americans wont take so the wages must come up for them to take them. If that is true, and lets assume it is for arguments sake, then WHY is that true? If an American citizen wont work for a certain wage than means he/she have options. Who gives them the option to NOT work instead of work? Simply - WE do? We pay them wages to SIT ON THEIR ASS. To motivate them to do something for something rather than something for NOTHING will require that wages outpace welfare or welfare be removed - its just simple math. EVEN THEN, the wages have to be far enough ABOVE the welfare check that it makes it appealing to go to work rather than stay home for just a little less money. Note: If wages did increase to this point, those costs would be passed along to whom? In fact, the legal illegals will now have to get a SS# and pay taxes, so guess what - their wages just went down. Hmmmm. The answer is to remove welfare or people will not move off the couch. So who is REALLY to blame for this? Democrats. They oppose ANY move to reduce or eliminate welfare because it is their voting base. The more people they can move to dependency on the government, the more people they have at the ballot box. Basically, they are requiring their constituents to get off the couch and work ONE DAY EVERY FOUR YEARS, and thats just to get to the voting booth. Theyre even trying to remove THAT requirement through mail-in ballots. Its genius...and its killing our country and our culture. What the recipients fail to see is the deleterious affects it is having on them. The cycle of dependency takes root so deeply that it removes any semblance of hope for a better life - its not a new normal its the same old normal that destroys the human spirit and turns them into the very creatures they say they abhor: greedy swindlers. Democrats sell the snake oil to these people and tell them over and over again they are victims. They explain that the only way corporations and employed people are successful is because they have stolen it from the have-nots. Its NEVER been a zero-sum-game yet they sell this notion by appealing to the lowest forms of human desire: envy and greed. They portray the haves as being the greedy ones and the selfish (well discuss that term in Part II) simply because of their success. They claim that every success requires someone elses failure. That is just not true, but they use this sort of rhetoric without consequence because the dominant liberal media are their complicit enablers rather than the arbiters of truth. Anymore, truth to them is nothing more than whatever the DNC or Whitehouse puts out as talking points. Theyve become one giant eye roll. And of course, the one who (legitimately) opposes, and exposes The Emperor as having no clothes, is simply a racist for doing so - because hes (half) black. Part II On Cavuto’s show, the discussion centered around Congresswoman (and Congressional Court Jester) Sheila Jackson Lees lecture that anyone who opposes The Sovereigns EO was simply selfish. And in case you are not familiar with this woman just YouTube or Google videos of her infamous speeches - she is absolutely the least qualified person to be lecturing ANYONE on ANYTHING. So back to her charge that Americans are selfish for opposing the Barrys Big Deal... I know several people that believe and feel we need some sort of tweak to our immigration policies and procedures. What they dont believe is that we need to ignore the constitutional process to do just that. This would be the same as Republicans passing TAX CUTS FOR THEIR WEALTHY CONSTITUENTS without enough to override a presidential veto and rewriting the IRS codes anyway. Its just unfathomable. Notwithstanding the unconstitutionality (about which EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE OUTRAGED), the charge of selfishness is simply hypocritical and without any merit. Its hypocritical because the President (and democrats) did this for their own selfish reasons. It is hypocritical because Mexicos own immigration laws are much stricter than ours. (factreal.wordpress/2010/05/08/mexico-vs-united-states-mexican-immigration-laws-are-tougher/) Its without merit because America is, and has always been, the most generous nation on the planet (to its own and to other nations as well). We have spent our precious treasures (lives, limbs, blood, and resources) across the globe defending liberty for people who later do nothing but criticize us. I would just rather they said thank you. Democrats preach compassion yet fail to see the destructive nature of their policies. Ironically many of their policies have the zero-sum-game effect built-in to punish others (again - appealing to the basement of their base). Redistribution of wealth and class warfare is one of the pillars of their ideology; envy and greed are the foundational stones upon which it is built. Yet they call the wealthy and working selfish because they want to keep that which is rightfully theirs. If you dont know who Charles Payne is, google him or watch FOX Business Channel or Cavuto, because he is one of the brightest stars shining out there. He is one of my favorite commentators on TV and by the way, he is ALL black. And yes, in the context of opposing Reggie Loves boyfriend, and Sheila Jackson Lees nonsense, THAT is an essential element to this discussion. Charles was asked about his opinion of Ms. Lees comment, he said (paraphrasing) isn’t it instructive that the people who are breaking are portrayed as victims, and the people who are suggesting we uphold the rule of law are selfish? The political discourse in this country has become so toxic that rational discussions are extinct. What was once defined as normal by most folks has now been redefined by pop culture as extreme. Traditional values have been demonized as hateful and judgmental by the left and their media minions. We cant even defend our sacred beliefs as Christians without being termed hateful. Consider our faith that is built on love being redefined as hateful and it is the political party on the LEFT that has done this because of their social agenda and constituents surrounding those issues. Incrementally they have taken us from tolerance of differing views to the only acceptable view is to embrace theirs. Quite simply they are hypocrites, but they control the media and therefore the narrative so the double-standard goes unchecked. Remember when the statist shah lectured us on winning elections if we didnt like his policies? So we did. Guess what - to a man of lawlessness that simply does not matter. Why? If a Republican tried to do what he has done, the outrage and constant drumbeat for his impeachment would be deafening. But Barack Hussein Obama has a different standard set for him. Again, why? Here is the elephant in the room: The worst charge/accusation that can be levied against another in society today is that they are racist or bigoted. The race card has been played more times than Hugh Hefners junk. It has become the Kevlar vest to insulate an entire race of people from accountability, most especially those in the political realm. If a white conservative politician had made statements like the ones Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson have made, they would (rightly so) be laughed off the TV screen and turned into pariahs. But those people are not because of the threat of being labeled racist for pointing out the obvious. The same is true of the dictator in chief. I cannot begin to count the times Ive been labeled racist simply for standing in opposition to his policies. While the charge is untrue and unfair (see my love for Allen West, Mia Love, the aforementioned Charles Payne, Ben Carson, and a host of other ALL black politicians and public figures), it is levied without hesitation or restraint. Why? Because Im white. So we are left with few options when dealing with a tyrant such as the Criminal-in-Chief. My suggestion is to ignore the cries of racism like he does the constitution, and impeach the bastard because hes earned it. Thats about the ONLY thing hes earned since taking office, except contempt. He is guilty of the high crimes and misdemeanors of treason through subverting and over-throwing our government through FRAUD (lying to and using surrogates to lie to the American People - think Jonathan Gruber), and by ignoring Article I Section 8 and clause #4 of the Constitution of the United States. You know - the very document that governs our country that he swore to uphold. He apparently lied TWICE when taking THAT oath. But we cant expect him to live by the rules now can we? Why? Because hes (half) BLACK. And that my friends is the plain, unabridged, and simple TRUTH. If you dont like it - look in the mirror or pack your bags. Queue Battle Hymn of The Republic
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:16:24 +0000

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