X-Men: Days of Future Past: A- I discovered the X-Men in the - TopicsExpress


X-Men: Days of Future Past: A- I discovered the X-Men in the mid-80s - when X-Factor #1 came out and the original Jean Grey was back for those that remember those days... this was a few years after the Days of Future Past story came out in the comics, but I read it right around that time when I was consumed with all things X-Men. When I found out they were adapting this story for the movie universe and using it to tie together the movies with Patrick Stewart/Ian McKellan and the X-Men: First Class group, I was skeptical. After seeing them absolutely butcher the Phoenix storyline in X-Men: Last Stand and the travesty that was the first solo Wolverine movie, I felt the potential for F-up was very, very high. Would they ruin it or would they make a decent movie? They did not make a decent movie. They made a great one. The pieces all fit together like they should. They resisted the urge to shoehorn in popular characters (no Gambit, for instance), found a use for classic characters like Warpath, and introduced a few of the newer ones like Blink. The time travel aspects were well handled - even my wife, who hates time travel stories, said she liked the way they did it. Without giving away any spoilers, lets just say they did a fabulous job of undoing the mess of Final Stand and the Wolverine: Origins movies and paved the way for nearly unlimited possibilities in story telling going forward with any character or characters from the X-Men universe - and they can do it with either the First Class cast, the original X-Men movies cast, or new castings for additional characters. (There is already in development a Gambit movie starring Channing Tatum according to the press.) I personally would love to see Magik on the big screen - but thats just me. The end of credits scene on this one was weak - if you dont know what you were looking at, you would be left confused why some random person appeared to be assembling a pyramid through force of will alone. The four horsemen on the horizon might lead you to the right conclusion - the next movie will center around Apocalypse. I hope that also means the Mutant Massacre storyline, but well see. Magneto does mention Angel is one of the mutants who has died and those familiar with the Apocalypse storyline knows what an important part Angels death plays.... so well see.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:04:39 +0000

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