YOGA FOR HORMONAL IMBALANCES IN WOMEN - PART 2 RADIO SPICE - NOV 27 Ravi Seshadri, Director of Bharat Thakurs artistic Yoga, UAE, on air on Radio Spice, 105.4 FM, Dubai. In this session, Ravi continues about how Yoga is a wonderful technology to help address womens issues, especially related to hormonal imbalances. The issues related to hormonal imbalance in women has been on the rise in recent times. There are severaly lifestyle related reasons for the same. A listeners question is about why a person who has thyroid hormonal imbalance has not lost weight inspite of having a workout regime in place for a month which has made her demotivated. Ravi explains that thyroid gland produces a hormone called Thyroxin which is reponsible for boosting the metabolism of the body. Our body has a mechanism which monitors our lifestyle and based on that information, reduces or increases the production of Thyroxin. Thus, a lifestyle which is sedentary creates a condition where there is a reduced usage of energy, and the extra energy is stored away as fat and the hormonal secretions are reduced. This creates a hormonal imbalance which then needs a large amount of calorie burn necessitating an increased hormonal secretion. However, this takes time and also needs a much more active lifestyle for the body to come back to shape.Yoga is an excellent way to make this happen, which also helps in improving the mood of the individual. PCOS is a situation caused by hormonal imbalances leading to irregular ovulation cycles causing a difficulty in conceiving. this causes an increased risk to diabetes, weight gain and depressed moods. Reduction of weight by means of fat burn is one way to bring back balance. Yoga for countering this is very effective, but takes some time, even lasting up to 1 year. One also needs to maintain a strong will and positive attitude to persevere and give a priority to exercise time. The diet has to also be modified. Fruits and foods with low sugar levels have to be consumed along with high protein foods. Ravi signs off with a health tip- Avocado is one of the best sources of good fat. Avocado slices with pepper and salt is tasty as well as healthy and helps in countering the PCOS and other hormonal imbalance issues.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 13:19:47 +0000

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