YORUBA BELIEF ABOUT THE DAYS OF THE WEEK Ojo Aje (Monday): This - TopicsExpress


YORUBA BELIEF ABOUT THE DAYS OF THE WEEK Ojo Aje (Monday): This is the day on which money joined Orisa on earth and is known as the day of money. Yoruba people use this day to start business, and to discuss economic and financial programs. Ojo Isegun (Tuesday): This is the day of victory. This is the day all evil forces are overpowered. It is a good day to start anything that leads to a better quality of life. Ojoru (Wednesday): This is the day problems, calamities, disruptions and confusions entered the world. It is the day of confusion. It is a good day to pray against all forms evils. Ojobo (Thursday)- This is the day on which names of the days arrived. It is a day on which Ancestors visit the family. This is why every important festival begins on Thursday- Ojobo. It also believed that the departed souls also visit their households and families on this day. Ojo eti (Friday)- This day is synonymous with postponement. It is believed that whatever people have to do on this day should be postponed or else it would fail. This is why it is not advisable to begin business and journeys on this day. Abameta (Saturday)- This day share same attribues with Ojo Eti. In order to avoid three types of negative incidents, the Yoruba dont use Saturday to bury a person, unless the person is an elder. It should be noted that the Yoruba treat ojo Abameta and Eti in the same way Ojo Aiku (Sunday)- Ojo Aiku otherwise known as Ojo Isinmi is the day of rest, and the day Orunmila buried Imi, the mother of Esu Odara. (see The Adventures of Obatala Vol. 1 Yemi Elebuibon for more information). On this day the people of the world requested immortality (aiku) from Olodumare. Orunmila, a close confidant of Olodumare refused to make propitiation and he was unable to bring immortality (aiku) for all inhabitants of earth; hence people had to die. Fortunately, premature death can be prevented by offering sacrifice to Olodumare on this day. Ara lao mada o, ao ni daran. Arambara!!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 18:33:13 +0000

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