Ya know...out of alllllllll the millions of articles out there - TopicsExpress


Ya know...out of alllllllll the millions of articles out there that are JUST like this one...I think I REALLY like this one the most. All the way down to the very last sentence. (Which, btw, is something I am working SO hard to improve on...lol...fascinated vs facinating...adoring vs adorable...) This is truly so simple and so sweet...but absolutely SPOT ON! I think that the majority of the time, so many of us (including & especially myself) make marriage SO much tougher than it really needs to be. Cuz...to be honest with you, it isnt really the marriage part thats so tough...it is all of the stuff that Life throws on us? (Like the old saying when the teen drives for the first time, its not YOU I am worried about...its everyone ELSE on the road AROUND you!) And then its what we do with and how we respond to Lifes stuff withIN our marriages. Isnt it? So my thoughts are this...the acronym K.I.S.S. seems extremely appropriate here. Obviously in more ways than one... ;-) We all really just need to Keep It Simple Stupid. Now of course this only applies when you have a relationship blessed with two people who BOTH really want to make things work...I am VERY aware that what I am saying would not apply to MANY relationships out there! I am not trying to seem naive or ignorant. Promise. :-) I am speaking more to those marriages like mine...two people who most definitely love one another and would even die for each other... but are SO strong willed, strong minded, quite often exhausted from 2 kids and full time jobs and lack of sleep, moody, full of adolescent baggage, and just too damn PRIDEFUL a lot of the time. Those of us in marriages such as the one just described might want to maaayybe think about just starting to push aside the complexity of every situation that arises. Maybe stop trying to dissect it all and find deeper meaning in things not intended for depth... or some hidden underlying malicious intent in something said or done. Maybe we just need to simply apply each of these 10 things listed in this article (actually 11 if you count the last sentence) to our marriages DAILY and then...when Life does throw its yearly, monthly, daily, hourly dose of Stuff on us...we are more apt to remain stong...united as one...and able to let more and more of it roll off our backs with ease. I dont know....just a thought I guess. I dont even know how much I am writing any of this for any of you who might be reading it...I have a feeling I might be writing it for my own ears and brain to digest. But if it makes sense to anyone else...and maybe even strikes a chord...well then...youre welcome!! :-P
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:45:45 +0000

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