Yallasouriya 6:59 am on September 17, 2013 Permalink | Log in to - TopicsExpress


Yallasouriya 6:59 am on September 17, 2013 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment Local Cordination Committees in Syria By the end of Monday the committeess were able to document 89 martyrs including 7 women, 10 children and 7 under torture: 21 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its suburbs; 9 in Daraa; 16 in Aleppo; 14 in Hama; 12 in Homs; 8 in Idlib; 6 in Swaida; 2 in Deir Ezzor; and 1 in Quneitra Moreover, the Committees were able to document 396 shelling points: Warplane shelling was reported in 19 points, explosive barrels in 6 points; Samaqa, Andrin, Kfr Zeita, Akrabiyat in Hama, and Taman’a in Idlib, and in Kweres Military Airport surroundings. Surface-to-surface missiles shelling was reported in Shaba’a in Damascus Suburbs. Cluster bombs shelling was recorede in Arba’en Mountain. Artillery shelling was recoreded in 137 point, rocket shelling in 125 points, mortar shelling in 107 points across Syria The FSA has clashed with regime forces in 123 points through: In Damascus and its Suburbs FSA targets regime forces gatherings with mortar shells in Qaboun neighborhood In the Shabaa FSA destroyed BMP vehicle due to clashes with regime forces on the road to Damascus International Airport FSA blew up a gathering of regime forces in one of the buildings on the south Mutahaliq Janoubi, Damascus Suburbs Also FSA destroyed an armored in Barzeh and 2 Dushka Cars on the outskirts of neighborhood In Hama FSA restored control of Al- Hamra village in Hama east suburbs after fierce clashes with regime forces As well as FSA was able to Liberated Abu Shafiq checkpoint and destroyed two tanks and killed a number of regime forces after besieging and targeted the checkpoint with artillery shells . In Palmyra, Homs FSA destroyed two cars belonging to the military security on the road to Palmyra – Homs, and killed more than twenty members of the regime forces In Lattakia in Jabal Turkman FSA down a warplane was shelling the area . In Deir Ezzor FSA targeted with mortar shells the gateway of Deir Ezzor military airport and destroyed a 130 cannon In Daraa FSA targeted with tanks and mortars shells the 61 brigade headquarters and Tal Jabeih and achieved direct assaults The FSA was able to destroy a number of machineries and armored vehicles in different areas of Syria.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:28:16 +0000

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