Yes I was right it was to early for me to underestand. Dont say - TopicsExpress


Yes I was right it was to early for me to underestand. Dont say anything to anybody, but Im a bit dyslexic; sshhh. lol Case and point. With technology as it is, bullying takes on a whole new aspect. Children dont just leave it at school anymore, they tote it home with them and other children read it. This inflames the situation to a boiling point where children become distraught and are confronted with a dilemma that they find so overwhelming the do drastic unthinkable things. Now when I was a young boy from Scotland, I was subjected to bullying and it was... well lets just say, it was not a good time. So I have a very good idea about bullying. Cyber bullying is just another down side to our so called, benefit of scientifique advancement. To many parents are technically inefficient and dont no how to put surveillance on their computers. Children are dying!!! This has to be stopped now not tomorrow not in a week NOW. ANSWER HOLD PARENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHILDRENS ACTIONS !!! That will get them a little more motivated to keep on top of their childrens actions. Nothing like a little jail time to get you motivated. You would be surprised, how word of mouth, combined with ABC World News, will grab some peoples attention. At the very least, this will create awareness that having children, is not like having a pet. Raising a child into a functioning member of society is one of the hardest thing you will ever sign up for. Maybe just maybe if we put the addicts in hospitals built to deal with addiction. That would free up a little space for this blissfully ignorant parents. At the very least it may help curb population control. Graphically hostile video games are desensitizing our kids. JUST SAY NO ! when little Jimmy wants to buy gears of war and other antistablishnarism games. We are creating people with no moral compass. The police violence think that is a coincidence, here is a fact for you did you have any idea that the controller for your childs X-BOX is the exact controller that control drone strikes ! Probably just another coincidence. Our government is programing our children to have no remorse, embrace violence, and become very accomplished killers, by the age of 14(give or take a year). So is it any surprise that bullying is on the rise. Suicide rate of young children is at an all time high. So there it is, asked and answered. ●parents held responsible ●dont buy it, and use it for a babysitter. ● kick there lazy, self entitled ass out the door to play. Wether it be organized sports or hide and seek. Do it for their health, and do it for your mental health. Thank you, A single parent of three.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:50:21 +0000

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