Yes since past week, a lot issues have been coming up here and in - TopicsExpress


Yes since past week, a lot issues have been coming up here and in my inbox too, all partaining to::::::::::::::: #CHEATING! Kindly ready with an open mind, I did this and.I feel it will help us a little! Thanks as you read! Its so funny how, Whenever the word cheating is mentioned, majority are quick to yell at the top of their lungs that its all men that cheats... *infact some says its in their blood. The honest gospel truth is, both genders cheats. Married men and married women also cheats. *Im actually gonna talk to the married women here because they need to be told a few things. **Exhales** You should understand that, there are a few things which propells men to cheat.* Things like.....* 1--Unintentiona l neglect! You see maam, the mistake most women often make is focusing all their love, time and affection on the kids once the kids starts arriving. This mistake is often done unintentionally . However the men. are very jealous (take it or leave it) but some of them will open up to their wives and make feelings of lack of attention from her known, *while some men will just seek refuge in the arms of some woman outside. 2--Nagging also pushes a man to cheat. Some women are so talented when it comes to nagging, youl marvel. So watch it. 3--Tense atmosphere in the home can make a man cheat, that is why its adviseable you ensure the homefront is tranquil at all time. 4--Hygiene is also an issue for some men. By the time you start litering the whole house with kiddies stuffs and leaving it all messy, your man will likely keep away from the house and come home late just to sleep. Your post-pregnancy weight should be shed asap, you need to be in shape, because men are easily carried away by what they see. Look good and be neat in and out. *Take time out to ensure you take proper care of your vagina,* *keep it neat at all time. Your hair too isnt left out, some married women can carry a particular hairstyle for over 4months without washing it, too bad! 5--The kind of pals a man mingles with also goes a long way in playing a vital role as to his cheating habit, a man who hangs out with friends who cheats on their wives will most definitely be cajoled into cheating as well. 6--Being stiff in bed will also make a man cheat. Just so you know, there is nothing like respect in bed with your man. Be his whore. 7--Being too judgemental and arrogant because you earn your own money will only lead to your own doom at the end of the day. *Hence its not adviseable to belittle your man for any reason. Your husband is your pride and crown so guide it well. 8--Disrespectin g and insulting your man because you caught him cheating on you is absolutely nothing but unrefined stupidity. If you cant stand d heat, leave the kitchen. Its either you leave the marriage or you maturedly stay calm and talk things over with him. 9--Comparing your man to other men. Truth is, its detrimental to the sanity of your home because, by comparing your man to another man, probably a friends hubby, you are indirectly making him feel inferior. *This singular act, like a moving train, faster than the speed of light will soooooo push him into the arms of ladies outside because those ladies will never compare him with anyman. **If you discover your husband is cheating on you and you decide to quit your marriage, goodluck to you** However should you catch your husband cheating and you decide to stay and work on keeping your home, just bear this in mind;;; Be very cautious about how you confront him about this because most men often gets defensive when caught pants down......... *The worst mistake youl ever make is one of two things or even both things which are::; 1---to steal numbers from his phone and call the girl hes cheating on you with. The best you can do is ignore the girl and address the issue with your husband. Hes the one who broke the agreement you both had, hes the one who broke the trust you had in him. The girls in question met and fell for him just like you did. They might not even know you do exist and even if they knew, you dont know the lies your husband must have fed them with. So its better you entomb them in the mystery of their own nothingness. 2---tracing the other womans abode and going their to fight her. Truth is, even if you fight her from now till eternity, itl change. nothing, so why cause yourself unneccessary embarrassment? Going to fight her will push your husband into her arms the more because hel see her as the victim here and not you. *A smart woman whose husband gets calls from his mistress in the middle of the night will never pick a fight over the call with her man. *Heres the deal::;the mistress knows hes got a wife and shes calling in the middle of the night to set a trap for the wifey in question and cause nothing but trouble. *Should the wifey in question continiously pick a fight with her man over this, shel fall deeply into the trap of the mistress and before long, shel become a terrible nag to her man and the man will be running further into the arms off the woman outside. This is the aim of the woman outside. Words are great tools. my dear married women, dont shout when you have a point to butress to your man, shouting will only make you loud. *Speak to him with empathy and bruise his conscience with touchy words thatl forever prick his conscience. * Silence is golden. Dont act on impulse and dont be quick to spit venom at your man when youre upset. *Be a woman of very few potent words, and also be unpredictable, when he expects you to go left, just go right. I bet you, hel fix himself without being told. *However its important you know its not all men that cheats, there are still a few noble men who dont cheat. So its wrong to assume all men are the same because youve not tasted all of them. Above all, never you get tired of going on your knees, the highest place in this world is at the feet of Elohim, the creator of all creatures, take your supplications to him and watch him do wonders for you. #enough_said I pray and hope that this short article of mine will go a long way in changing your mindset and guiding you through your matrimonial homes! Amen ***we will get there***
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:24:39 +0000

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