Yesterday was a challenging day. As an active individual, being - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was a challenging day. As an active individual, being still can be maddening. I felt truly at the end of my rope. Yet, I realize I have more healing to do and must take this time to explore stillness. Ahhh, another lesson. Ok. I am ready to explore more stillness. My mom came by to help me yesterday. We went through a box of old photos and letters from my travels to Japan and Europe. During that first 9 month contract, I remember counting the days. It was so weird to be in such a foreign place and at 18 I just missed my regular life. However, during that time, I learned to explore. I learned to make the most of time and to seize every opportunity. I will share one of my favorite memories with you. I decided to travel to Tokyo to see my sister Tricia Hintze. I bought a one stop ticket and jumped on the express train to Tokyo. When the conductor came by, I told them I lost my ticket. They didnt buy it, but didnt speak enough english to accuse me. So, I had to go to the train police in Tokyo. They spoke English a little better, but still not so great. They probably got in touch with my agent there and maybe they paid the fine. But eventually, they let me go. I immediately exited the train station, bought stolen phone cards and went to meet up with my sis. We always had wild and crazy times together. This time was no different. Dancing the night away and singing $*@% you I wont do what you tell me! and every word to every Pearl Jam song at the top of our lungs. Staying up and out all night knowing we could sleep when were dead. Although, I would think twice about hopping trains and buying stolen goods. I still enjoy grand adventure and silliness. I cant wait to be up and around and up to more mischief! Thank you for your positive energy, your wishes & gifts and love. I am truly grateful for your support.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:00:31 +0000

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