Yesterday was a day that made my heart hurt like it never has - TopicsExpress


Yesterday was a day that made my heart hurt like it never has before. I know many of you will look at this status and say it is “Shayna flying off the I love Israel handle again”, but it is so much more than that, and I encourage you to read this through. Today, somebody looked me in the eyes, after looking at my Jewish star, and asked with the most disgusted look;, “How could you want all those poor children in Gaza to be dead”? I didn’t know this person. I didn’t know why they thought that was okay to ask. But I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say, or how to respond, but I walked away and didn’t say a word, although I was thinking many. If you can honestly think that I, any Jewish person, or the state of Israel could honestly be HAPPY about what is going in in Gaza, or HAPPY or PROUD of a single death that has occurred there, whether it be Jewish OR Arab, then I am sad that you can think that. I pray for peace, not just for the people of Israel but for the people of Gaza as well. In case people are forgetting, the fight is against Hamas, a TERRORIST organization, that would gladly see any American dead as quickly as they would love to see any Jewish person dead, and teaches their children to hate from birth. The fight is against a TERRORIST organization that hides their rockets in places where their civilians are most vulnerable and force families to stay in their homes even when the IDF warns them that they will soon be in danger. And what some people are forgetting, if it wasn’t for Israel’s advanced technology and their ability to protect their citizens from the thousands of rockets fired at them using the Iron Dome, the numbers might not look so uneven. Remember, the Jewish children who are forced to spend their nights in a bomb shelter are suffering too. As former Israeli Prime Minister Golde Meir once said, “We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”. For those of you who read one news article to formulate your opinions about what is going on, it is your job to educate yourselves. Remember that news stories are biased, from BOTH sides of the argument. Learn that there is every reason in the world to LOVE Israel… Why do I love Israel? I love Israel because I like looking at super hot people on the beach in Tel Aviv while I drink my Goldstar to get rid of the hangover from all the Araq I somehow got convinced to drink the night before. I love Israel because they give me generic pharmaceuticals…screw paying the full price for name brands! I love Israel because I reeeally love my cell phone, my anti-virus protection on my laptop, and I especially loved AOL Instant Messaging back in the day when I was known as DDRfreakk666 (you can thank Israel for all three, and a whole lot more than that!). I love Israel because without it, the Arab Christian children that brought a smile to my face every morning would not have a safe place to go to school. I love Israel because it gives a safe home to the THOUSANDS of Sudanese refugees who faced a genocide that the Jewish people are far too familiar with. I love Israel because I like watching the sun rise more than I like watching it go down, after a long night of going to dirty underground clubs and screaming at Israeli boys to “tanuach” a little bit because that’s the only thing I know how to say. I love Israel because I love trees… did you know it was one of the only countries in the world to enter into the 21st century with more trees than it did the century before? I love Israel because when I was running around worrying about how I was going to get a 21 year old to buy me a handle of cheap vodka for whatever stupid or crazy thing I was going to be doing that weekend, my friends who were the same age as me across the ocean were putting on a uniform to defend my Jewish identity, without the option of being a stupid college freshman like me. Please. Educate yourselves, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and most importantly, hope for peace on BOTH sides of the border.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:33:41 +0000

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