You are here HOMEGREEN SCENERY OFFICIALS PUTS TO MOCKERY! Green Scenery Officials Puts to Mockery! 17 Mar 2014 SPECTATOR 1 of 1 The visit of the Parliamentary Committees on Land & Agricultural comprising high profile Members of Parliament drawn from all four sides of Sierra Leone was on Saturday 15th summarily adjourned upon the failure of the Executive Directive Joseph Rahall to produce documentation of his purported complaints brought against the operations of Socfin Agricultural Company Sierra Leone Limited. Addressing fellow members of Parliament, local residents and workers of Socfin in Sahn following long hours of conducted tour of the Socfin facilities made by the Parliamentarians, the Parliamentary Chief Wipe, Hon Claude Kamanda of the APC, threatened to call for the arrest of the Executive Director of Green Scenery Joseph Rahall for his contravention of section five of the Parliamentary act which is as the result of the failure of the Green Scenery Director to provide the document in question. Speaking further the Chief Whip condemned the act particularly when the Director in question had assured the house of the document only for him to fail to do so upon demand by the Parliamentarians. The Chief Whip in turn called for the adjournment of the session and further warned the Director against fooling the legislators a statement which was bitterly put to Joseph Rahall while he stood dumfounded sweating in his jacket suit. Responding, various other Parliamentarians including the Chairman of the Agricultural Committee, Hon Alimamy Kargbo, Hon Ibrahim Bangura, and many others all made contributions in total condemnation of the behavior of Green Scenery Director who was only called to sit down upon the intervention of other parliamentarians on the ground that he should not take Parliament for a ride any longer. General Manager of Socfin, Mr. Philip Tonks presented the documentations in question while the crowd called on Parliament to invoke section five saying the Executive Director and his NGO are using MALOA to disrupt the work of Socfin and above all cause mayhem in and outside Malen Chiefdom. A statement that was reechoed by irate youths and workers of the Company who are everyday becoming angry over the attitude of Shaka Sama and his collaborators. Speaking to journalists the Chiefdom Speaker RS Moiguah pointed out that the problem in Malen chiefdom was the handiwork of Joseph Rahall who has constantly put out the wrong information about the work of Socfin. R.S Moiguah call on the concern authorities to help stop Joseph Rahall from coming into the chiefdom and allow peace to reign as against his divisive method only to secure more funding for his Organization. Speaking to reporters about their impressions, the visiting teams expressed congratulation for Socfin for living up to its Corporate Social Responsibility, particularly for the boli-land rice cultivation which has further been stepped up by the acquisition of more farm implements which are now used to cultivate more farm sites than last year with the view of providing food sufficiency in Malen and beyond. Similarly, the visiting law makers expressed various commendations for the vast acreages amounting to Seven thousand one hundred hectares to the equivalent of seventeen thousand five hundred acres of oil palm and the mill under construction considered the largest in Africa. Earlier the Parliamentarians in detail read out the acreages cultivated by seven Agricultural Companies operating in the Pujehun District with Socfin doing the least acreage but expressed doubt as why Socfin has continue to come under the loudest criticism in spite of its superb undertakings. The climax of the Saturday development was that Shaka Sama and his team were not only left in total disarray but were seen horribly moving in a small number out of Sahn as against those days when he was followed by large crowd. This comes against the background of Shaka Sama having lost most of his errand boys including his former Chairman Brima Lappia and of late Councilor Koroma all of whom are now very supportive with Socfin developmental drive.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:05:11 +0000

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