You can go back! ( 2 ) surprises I ate a handful of trail - TopicsExpress


You can go back! ( 2 ) surprises I ate a handful of trail mix and crawled down out of the barn .loft after hiding my sleeping bag and mess kit under some hay. Just to make sure ,I scattered some more loose hay around the area. I found the old water pump and could tell it hadnt been used in a long time. I used the last of the water in my canteen to try to prime it . It was just enough .In just a few pumps of the rusty handle ,I had cold water. I washed my face and hands as best I could . With no towel ,the sun would have to dry me. The first thing I wanted to do was see Billy, our neighbor on the next farm over. Billy had been around as lo0ng as I could remember. He was a WWII fighter pilot and a retired agriculture pilot. In fact Billy had taught me to fly, If someone was indeed looking for me ,I didnt want to lead them to Billy. I cut through the break and came out behind his house .I was walking quietly through his back yard when I walked up on him feeding his cat. He surprised me by grabbing me and pulling me into his shop! Johnny murphy! what are you doing here? Well,good morning to you Billy. Have you forgotten we are neighbors? Im sorry Johnny. Its good to see you .Things have sure changed since I last saw you. Im sorry about your folks. Your daddy buried your mama on the hill in the bend of the river and I buried your daddy just two months later beside her. Not many people came. you know how private they were. Mary was here for both and she has kept flowers on their graves. She lives in Cleveland and works in Greenville you know, I appreciate all youve done Billy but there are some things best where they fall. Anyway ,whats with the hiding in the shop? Every since you sent me a postcard three weeks ago, someone been watching your house Ive never trusted that new girl at the Post Office.. Billy ,what is behind all this? Johnny, for as long as you can remember, the same six families have farmed and ranched the three miles along the bend of the river. About three months before your mama died, a group of Drs and lawyers out of Jackson decided they wanted the same three miles. They were nice and even made more than generous offers but none of was going to sell. In the next year we had all kind of problems. Bishope , to the north of you, lost fifteen cows over night. We thought poison but the vet, found nothing. The motor on my well burned out and it was almost new. Before I knew it ,the four others had sold and were gone. Im not leaving. I buried Edna by your mama last month and Ill never leave her. Im sorry Billy, I didnt know. Look, I need a ride to Drew. I need to see Mr. Caldwell at the bank .Im out of money! When I heard about the folks , I sent him power of attorney and asked him to sell our herd and all the machinery and put the money in my account. I also had all my back Army pay placed there. I should have close to $80,000. Sure .Ill take you but you wont see him. He was killed in a car wreck a couple of days after I got you post card. I hate that .He was always nice to us. Im sure someone will be able to help me. When Billy ley me out at the bank ,I thought I glanced a big black car in the bank parking lot. Inside ,I gave the teller my ID and .and a check for $100. she took it and walked to the front of the bank. i thought she was just making sure I was who I said I was. I saw her talking to an older lady as they both looked at me. The teller came back and told me that I didnt have enough to cover the check. How much do I have ? Twelve dollars and two cents. I told her that there was a mistake and I needed to see the manager. yes sir, please go in the office in the front. The same older lady was in the office and was nice but I didnt need nice. I needed my money ! I explained that I should have almost $80,000 in her bank. Yes sir. you had $96,000 until Mr. Caldwell withdrew it two days before he died. Just like that, I was back where I had been most of my life, flat broke! I walked out in a daze but I did notice the black car was gone and no one had gone through the front door. Out of habit, I patte3d my waistband to see if my .45 was in place.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 06:39:03 +0000

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