You can stop mass evictions, To all groups, activists and - TopicsExpress


You can stop mass evictions, To all groups, activists and individuals. I lodged a challenge to the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Bill in August 2013. The effect of this challenge will prevent the Banks from evicting thousands of families from their homes and in addition leave a Laguna in the law for home owners, in turn it stymie’s the Insolvency Bill. Basically this will cost the Banks tens of Billions of euros. I was promised back in August when I initiated this challenge I would received the type of support required to successfully bring this case, that is a constitutional Barrister and solicitor, the case was in for mention on Monday the 21st of October 2013, I stood without any legal support. It is now scheduled for hearing on the 4th of November 2013. To date I have No Constitutional Barrister or solicitor, which is a basic fundamental of success. I make this plea for help to all who advocate support, to all who seek to stop evictions, to all who want change. Any group or individual offering help please publicly post your details on my wall and the type of help you are offering. This is the biggest case for the Irish people in this century and it is TOO BIG FOR ONE PERSON ALONE, Please post to everyone,
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:36:31 +0000

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