You ever have one of the light bulb moments? When everything just - TopicsExpress


You ever have one of the light bulb moments? When everything just fell into place? Ive had 2 of them that changed my life. The first was when I read Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. The second was when I realized that Capitalism is the biggest threat to animals on Earth. Most Americans think that Capitalism is the American Dream. Or at least the way to achieve that dream. Big house. New car. Good job. Savings account. In truth, its how you are prevented from having that dream. Capitalism requires a constantly increasing demand for consumption, a populace that is chained to debt, a workforce which is easily controlled andst exploited, consumers who are easily influenced, a political ructure that can be manipulated and bribed, a government which will turn over the public treasury and the counrys natural resources to private interests, and a court system which will protect industry from litigation and insulate business from overburdensome liabilities. Capitalism concentrates wealth and power in the hands of a few. Capitalism is unsustainable. Capitalism requires unending growth. Capitalism rewards the destruction of the Environment. Capitalism punishes conservation of natural resources. Capitalism encourages reckless drilling and mining. Capitalism is the single biggest cause of animal cruelty, exploitation and murder. Capitalism is all about profits, how to increase them, how to sustain them, how to shelter them from taxes and avoid impacting them by legislation or operating expenses. Tha is why we have factory farms, battery cages, feed lots, gestation crates. Its why animals are packed together in horrible conditions. Its why the slaughterhouses try to kill as many as possible fast as possible, cutting them up while still alive, fighing every proposal to lessen the terror and the suffring. It costs them money. Profits. Who are the champions of this horror? Conservative politicians. Bought and paid for by Big Agriculture companies and their lobbyist bagmen. And they sell this to thmselves and their voters as promoting the American Dream. Business. Opporunity. Jobs. They actually believe that business and profits are more important than the public and certainly more important than animals. They are the apologists for cruelty, the implementers exploitation. Conservatives. The enemies of animals. And of people.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:38:19 +0000

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