You know I wasnt going to say anymore about what went on between - TopicsExpress


You know I wasnt going to say anymore about what went on between this person and my mom but, as the day progress so did my anger. First, I wanted to address the comment that was made by her saying my mom was an old hag. Let it be known that anyone male or female my moms age and Im sure some younger will kill to look like my mom. When your a 70 yr. old woman who still has jet black hair, fully active and mobile, physically fit(weighing about 125lbs after having 6 children), a killer complexion, and facial beauty I dont understand how these character traits make you a hag. I assume it was opposite day when that post was made. Second, there was a comment made that my mom used a certain someone for their foodstamps and money. Now, this is where we will use pretty common math that an educated elementary student could figure out. When you get over $300 in foodstamps on a monthly basis and only buy a jar of mayonnaise, a bottle of ketchup, a carton of eggs, sugar, and a roll of hamburger this list would average at an estimate of about $40. Now, can it be explained how that is all of the foodstamps that you are awarded. Anyone? Seems to me that there would still be quite a bit left over. Am I wrong or is my math incorrect? Third. I would like to know how my mother used all of this certain persons money. When you can go out and buy new shoes, walk down and come back with a handful of lottery tickets, eat out often, and buy fake nails and other meaningless accessories how is that my mothers fault? When she would frequently have to count her nickles and dimes to come up with enough change to buy a loaf of bread. The last new pair of shoes she got were from me about 1 1/2 yrs. ago unless you count the fresh pair of nikes that I gifted her a couple of weeks ago. Why is it that people in glass houses tend to throw the most stones? When you have two people using the same necessities as 1 person the two people are bound to use more of them. It is a ratio of 66% to 33%. But, yet these two individuals never wanted to replace the items that they used with their own money. For example toilet paper, dish soap, garbage bags, napkins, paper plates, and straws just to name a few. Again, these things werent free to my mother to put into the house but, yet they were free for them to use. And in conclusion I would like it to be known that if my mothers name is ever posted on this site again in a negative manner I will do everything in my power to have the individual or individuals involved held accounted for in the up most degree that the law will allow. And I have the determination and the means to make that happen. And if another hand is physically placed on my mother the next place the hand would be placed is on a fingerprinting machine at our local jail.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 04:15:10 +0000

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