You know WHY people are trying to take ((PRAYER)) out of schools, - TopicsExpress


You know WHY people are trying to take ((PRAYER)) out of schools, out of the military, out of the government, out of public places, ect.? Because we do NOT fight against flesh and blood! We fight against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph.6:12) Those people have been blinded with spiritual scales that cover their eyes! They have allowed themselves, knowingly or unknowingly to become agents -- puppets, of the enemy of our souls! The one who roams about seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8) Who wants to kill, steal and destroy us! (John 10:10) WHY?! BECAUSE he KNOWS very WELL, sadly, more than some, just how POWERFUL ((PRAYER)) really is!!! The ((PRAYERS)) of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16) When we ((PRAY)) according to the Word of God, in faith, something ALWAYS happens!! Something POWERFUL!! ((PRAYER)) is not JUST direct communication to God! It is the very thing that causes God to MOVE on our behalf! ((PRAYER)) changes things! Rearranges things! Turns things around! Makes right what was upside down! ((PRAYER)) Stops things! Starts things! Opens things and closes things! ((PRAYER)) has the capacity to bring heaven to earth! To cause Gods ear to bend down and the enemy to flee!! ((PRAYER)) will cause the mouths of saints to open and the mouth of the enemy to be shut!! ((PRAYER)) doesnt see impossibility but causes that which WAS impossible to BECOME possible!!! This is a GREAT time to say, AMEN :-) So, when you are not happy with your situation or the outcome of a thing. When you see injustice and you want justice! When you hear a negative report! If you dont like the direction your county, state or nation is going in, WHAT do you do?? ((PRAY!!)) ((PRAY with fervency)) NOT with complaining. NOT with unholy anger! NOT with disunity and division. NOT with doubt that your prayers will go unheard -- BUT, in faith, believing that you WILL RECEIVE that which you ((PRAYED)) for (Matt. 21:22/Luke 11:9/John 11:22/John 14:14…..) AND WHY does the enemy cause such division and disunity among brethren?? OH!! Because once again, he KNOWS not only the POWER of ((PRAYER)) but also of AGREEMENT!! … For where two or more are gathered together..HE IS RIGHT THERE WITH US!!! (Matt. 18:19-20) So, lets get ((PRAYING)) with the very INTENT that our ((PRAYERS)) DO work! They DO matter! They ARE heard and they WILL cause things to change! Amen?!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:42:05 +0000

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