You know me; I have been around since man cried his first tears of - TopicsExpress


You know me; I have been around since man cried his first tears of desolation. I have just watched . I have never wasted time. Time to me is immeasurable and so limiting. Only man needs to calculate something they cannot control or understand. Man exists only to die that is their purpose, No other. Despite this simple concept they Make plans . Failure is in their breeding and their worthlessness is built upon over centuries and honed to mans perfection of inconsolable isolation. I have watched, as moons fade and renew, as floods and pestilence swept through taking its quota of Living. The scenes I have been witness too are Long and uncompromising. I have watched suffering with an unblinking disinterest. It was not of my making so I did not need to concern myself with its relentless motion and outcome. While I observe I do not need to make comment on the way things are. I just do what I do and excel at my chosen path. Even if some outside Influences helped my choices at the beginning of things. This was how it was to be, it was unfolded and spread across the manner of an endless and inevitable way of things I didn’t interfere with what man did as a Being. I watched with fascination as they found their own destruction and mayhem. If they needed any help towards this quest, I would have nudged rather than pushed , It was always their choice. I was there only to encourage .To assist. Show the path they would like to take. Then leave them to go forward and without cluttered thoughts to fulfil their dreams. I have leaned on the shoulders of men and Whispered solutions to fevered and unrational thinking, showing them the clearness of my purpose. Each conquest for me was only fleeting I gained no real conception of satisfaction. If my lack of enjoyment in my triumphs seems to lack magnitude then I Care not. I do not need to gloat or dance some celebratory exaltation. I have fulfilled what I set out to do , making it a choice but tinted by my pureness . As I observe the infinite activities around me, I have made chances to conduct and influence to suit my will. My demeanour Must I admit, sometimes raise to a higher level. Gloat is not a concept I would use . When I gain a confidence that results in an outcome that is to my liking , I find It is worth a mention. I do not wish to state obvious traits that some would accuse me of. I am that of which I was created and melded to become, No less . Why do I chose to explain this now. As you know me or as you perceive me and what I define to be. Choice your ultimate revelation, this is why. You have called me. Chosen to take my council. Made myself your ally . I did not encourage this, you know your design and making me party to your choice helps you, it eases you to claim your judgement. I am around you , I have always been. The shiver around your neck as you read this. Tells me you are aware of me. You look under the bed to unconcern yourself that I do not reside there. I am watching you and have always watched you. My presence has sometimes made you aware of me and without the slightest accolade to me you have gone forward to carry out your will. Rejoicing in your deceit, glorifying in your result. But I have watched. Knowing I am the negotiator of your outcome. You and I have dealt before . Not always to your knowledge. But then you have convinced yourself I am not needed therefore I could not have influenced any venture you set out. Your achievements carefully planed brought forth delights . I was swept away and used. Disposed of without a thought. But I watched and continued to watch. Moons faded as they have always done and I watched. In the time of your existents you became more aware of me . You listened when it suited you. Discarded me when confronted . Made claims of false coercion to simplify your escape. I did not take umbrage at this treatment of Me , just a quiet relive that you were building upon our relationship. That you trusted us Enough to put the full weight of burden on to me . I bore this with out complaint . I never sullied our agreement. I Just stayed on the side observing you grow. Choices We made , and should have been ours became yours.. I watched , Not judging . I am still with you . you do not need to Find me I am here. The quiet noise when you are in darkness. The touch of breath on your pillow. The influence when your consciences take its sleeping. You know I am there. I will be constant, unwavering and close. The slight coldness as you settle across a grave. Perceive to hear something you cannot trace. I am there. My presence is there now. You read this but you will not understand it. You will chose not to. I am close I watch. In your fear I have been there, you did feel me. When you opened the door and no light was there, I was near. You read me across the page and look away yet you do not see me. Am I behind you? Am I in the cupboard you will not open? Across the darkened path you take at night. The cry that you hear as it comes from close in the stillness, the damp of stones beneath blackened trees. This is what you fear of me. I have been vilified and shunned and yet I take no recourse. I wait as changes drift into focus and reaffirm my course correcting any abnormal fluctuations. What little claims I had, presented interest to make compensation. The balance remained firm I had no schedule to keep. My will is only for you, I make no favour for this. As you understand I am with you , more things will be apparent . I only claim what is mine. Your fear of me is unfounded and unnecessary. Because I understand your thinking and the heavy weight of turmoil. The taste of blood on your tongue is the driving force. You have grown to like it. At first you defended against it, making your chosen path to side step it, brushing away the thought. I even considered this to be your strength. I can feel you looking for me. Am I not worthy of better ? I have given you reason enough to prove how I help you. It is not wrong that you fear me, Only that you misunderstand our relationship. I have no hidden agenda it is the same as yours, whatever outcome you wish its course, you decide. I merely present opportunities for you to peruse. Don’t look away I must have attentiveness. It’s so little to expect from all we have achieved . To search for me is unneeded I am here with you . I watch, but not always from afar. I am close now you can feel me. Listen to your breath. Deep within you I am there. Slowly as you feel the air filling your lungs and your body grabs the life from nothing. You make a leap into another one of your days. But you don’t question were that breath came from or why. You just take it in and move on. Perceive me as this then. I am there, use me as you will. I am the soft voice calming you, helping you offering guidance. That is all I am and have been. Putting you forward, I am with you; you do not need to fear me. Why do you still harbour doubt, we have achieved so much. You can ask of me without asking. I sense the flow of thought you are making. I am always waiting at your shoulder. I offer only the reasons; your Task is the simple one. I don’t make the choice that is for you. My Influence is little and my desire miniscule, we have been through so much even if you doubted me. I do not call on you to carry out tasks that lower your standing. I will place you in the heights beside me. I ask so little, an offer a return of weight in excess. I know you now are ready to take your path, I have observed you well and my judgement is concluded. I do not try to convince you of my ways, how I perform for you is evidence enough. I will settle my account with you when it is due. After you have concluded your concerns. Then will I settle. Trust me I have not betrayed you. My price is simple and yet so small… What is a life when warm eternity will be yours? You know me Your soul is all I ask………….
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 07:05:22 +0000

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