You would have to be Blind in Mind, Body and Soul to not see the - TopicsExpress


You would have to be Blind in Mind, Body and Soul to not see the madness and despair there is on our planet at this time. I send out a call to all Light-Workers and compassionate people to raise their heads above the parapet wall in peaceful protest even if it is just ‘like’ on FB. Never ever has the welfare of the Planet and Human Race been under such attack. This is unprecedented and will continue until the Ostrich syndrome is let go. Some may have been untouched or feel they are in a safe place but that is only temporary because the darkness will block out the Light eventually if it is unchallenged. The 100mph Human Race club will only be concerned if their materialistic life style is threatened but that will be too late. I do not have to give examples of despair as many of you have been suffering those challenges to a peaceful respectful life. The government have declared war on the vulnerable, since ATOS was formed with practices the Gestapo would have been proud of, there has been an average in 3 years of 204 Disabled persons commit suicide in the UK per year. Now ATOS is in full swing these deaths are expected to increase by 100%. Who speaks and pleas for them? There is no way our father/mother Gods are going to allow the destruction of all the creation including people. Slowly and very devious our comfort zones have been dismantled and it still continues. I think of these people as I see convoys of Tanks and Armoured Cars pouring down the Motorways towards Southampton Docks. Imagine a Boxing match which should not take place anyway, presuming it does, imagine the fight is between a Heavyweight and a Lightweight…The Heavyweight is pounding the Lightweight in this mismatch until the referee halts the fight before the lightweight is killed! …what if I told you that very soon a ‘referee’ is going to halt the fight where the vulnerable, meek and planet are being pounded to death? Because this profound scenario is going to happen to the Earth and its inhabitants..our cosmic cousins the refereee! No longer will they be able to stand and watch what is happening here on Earth and they WILL intervene. To all light-workers hear the words of the divine Angels..we can gloss over the sad elements of de-forestation, global warming, GM foods, health for the rich and death for the poor, we can create followings of people that believe each word we mutter is sacred and makes us special. We can write books in the hundreds but it all means nothing if we do not relay in those books the sadness of self-destruction and exterior destruction which is occurring, not just a synopsis, but a good researched in depth look at the life of the suffering souls and how they got into this position. You flick a page in many and as example you read “Susan a 50 year old accountant with Cancer came to me”(3 points) as though Susan was experiencing a temporary blip in her life . The overwhelming lack of Love, I want to see the TRUTH in books in plain simple language and not pleasant things just to make me feel better, or that I am a God of some form because I gave her insight into her life continuing after the body was dead.(3points) = 6points total.. 6 points of being able to intervene..As my example: “Susan came to me after being diagnosed with Stomach Cancer (3points for the stress) a child she was one of six children and her parents could only feed the kids cheap harmful foods (3 points exposing modified food and wrappings). She was a sickly child (3 points food making her ill) and her constant illness (3 points for depleted Immune System) made her frightened to mix socially with the other kids, (3 points for anxiety and depression) (3 points for emotional distress with no way out). At 50 years of age she had clocked up 25 years as a high flyer to erase her childhood memories (3 points for trying to forget her past) (3 points for not loving herself) (3 points for living for others not herself) but the Cancer news had devastated her, her Husband and their 2 private school children (3 points for others to suffer watching their mother fight this dreadful disease) Total 30 points thus far of being able to intervene!! You work out where? This example shows if say we care for our fellow man/woman we must look for openings to intervene not wait for someone else to come along and do it. My call to Light-Workers is this, please refrain from competition with other Light-Workers and be tolerant of each other and what they have to say, instead support them as a sibling would. Do not churn out tens of books giving a false hope to be saved from the tragedies waiting to happen. Let us be grown up here, a publisher is only interested in how much money your books can make whether the content is good or bad! They say the best Healers are sufferers, I believe they make the best Authors as well on the true extent of suffering. Give the respect of allowing all views from all faiths. You need no money to learn an unbiased truth, just a chat with an old wrinkled man/ lady preferably one that has suffered and that will give you all the knowledge you need. If as we all know we need to see the planet’s occupant’s work as one then let us make it happen! Why not start now today? Tell those you love precisely that at least 3 times a day. Take religious differences out of the equation, hug those of different beliefs and above all let the Light Workers join together making a volcano of Energy that clears all but light in Hearts and Minds..Let the Light Workers stand up for the vulnerable..Let a ‘new world’ begin, a world where I am proud to say “I love you my brother/sister” I hope you follow 2 women in this group on FB who write as example of what I mean as they are priceless. This world is full of anger and on the streets we see it daily at the moment and only we can change this, as I said at the beginning the present world is full of madness and despair. Earth-Angel Ian
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:19:57 +0000

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