Your Help Is Needed: Dewy and Boxcar are Missing on the - TopicsExpress


Your Help Is Needed: Dewy and Boxcar are Missing on the MARS! Over the weekend I posted a short video taken while running my small collection of Post War trains on the railroad. I mentioned that in the video if you looked closely, you might get a glimpse of Dewy, one of the hobos occasionally seen traversing the MARS. I also noted that it had been awhile since I had seen either Dewy or Boxcar. Boxcar is Dewys canine companion. Dewy and Boxcar are pretty much inseparable these days. Where you find one you will almost inevitably find the other. That was not always the case, not until a incident occurred some years back. Years ago, Dewy would ride the rails seeking work here and there. Pretty much wherever he could find it. At some point, I am not really sure when or where, Dewy and this brown mutt befriended one another and for a while they traveled together. Together until one day while on a freight destined for Chicago, Dewy jumped off outside a small town, but for whatever reason the brown mutt stayed in the rolling boxcar. At first, Dewy, did not think much off it and went on his way. But it was not long before he began to miss his former companion who at that point didnt have a name beyond you old brown mutt. Well, to make a long story short, Dewey got on the next train headed in the direction of Chicago and eventually arrived outside the great city and jumped off just before reaching the yard. It had taken Dewy almost a week to get to Chicago, he had checked out a couple towns along the way and that had slowed his progress some. Now standing beside the rails with the enormous yard ( one of the MARS largest) before him, he realized it was getting dark and thus decided to settle in and using his coat as a pillow, feel asleep. Early the next morning Dewy awoke with the brown mutt nestled beside him. It was then and there that Dewy decided to call his canine friend, Boxcar, and they have not been apart since. When Dewy told me the story with Boxcar sitting at his feet, of how he and Boxcar had found one another after their brief separation, I said to Dewy, what were the odds? Dewy, just looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes and while gently petting Boxcar on the head responded, you can believe it, or not! Well, I would appreciate it you would keep an eye out for Dewy and Boxcar in future posts. Ill be doing the same and perhaps in one of the upcoming photographs taken on the MARS, well find them. Hopefully! Bo :) Please let me know if you see either of these familiar personalities on the MARS:
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:58:40 +0000

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