Your Horoscope For This Week Source: Refinery29:– Bring on - TopicsExpress


Your Horoscope For This Week Source: Refinery29:– Bring on the practical magic. This Thursday, November 6, marks the annual full moon in earthy, grounded Taurus. Dot every i and cross every t. Your diligence will pay dividends — and doubly so, since this full moon is the manifestation date for a powerful solar eclipse that happened last April 28. Yep, stargazers, this is a money moon. Ask for the raise or splurge on the luxury item if you’ve been saving responsibly. On Saturday, expressive Mercury slinks back into sultry, seductive Scorpio until November 22 for the second time this fall. Relationships intensify, so hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign and enjoy some exploration behind closed doors. Connections that sizzled from September 25 through October 10 could heat up again, too. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? Scorpio Seal that deal, Scorpio! A partnership is building toward a more permanent status, thanks to Thursday’s full moon in your relationship house. You could sign important papers or pop into a jewelry store with your love. Whatever the case, you’ve never been one to do anything halfway. If your heart isn’t into a particular connection, this full moon could find you turning on your heels and heading in a new direction — by yourself. Coupled Scorpios, it’s time to consciously co-create. Team up with your honey on a project or party, so you aren’t like two ships passing in the night. No matter what your relationship status reads, after Saturday, you’ll get obsessed with an independent venture as Mercury returns to your sign until November 22. This might even be one you started between September 25 and October 10, when Mercury visited Scorpio for the first time. Second time is a charm in this case. Sagittarius Your body is your temple, Sagittarius, and Thursday’s full moon reminds you to treat it as such. Avoid those sluggish winter doldrums by finding a great gym or yoga studio to visit on the regular. There could be some exciting developments at the office under this full moon, too. Your efforts of the past month will garner praise and attention. Schedule that performance review within two weeks of Thursday, because you may be in line for a raise. If life is a little chaotic, you probably need to minimize. A simple plan works best, so stop making it so complicated! After Saturday, decluttering will become an obsession as Mercury moves through your 12th house of completions. Out with the old, but don’t race to replace. Perhaps it’s time to consider being a little more of a minimalist. Capricorn Stay in mogul mode this week; Mercury will help you move to a much higher rung of the ladder before Friday hits. Schedule power lunches and performance reviews, pitch in for a project. It’s time to get on the VIPs’ radar, even if you’re just doing their Starbucks runs better than anyone has before. Thursday’s full moon lights up your fifth house of fame, leadership, and romance. The performer in you is out to play — and the exhibitionist, too. Let your passion sweep you away. You could have your hands full of admirers before the weekend, or simply get that much-needed motivation to dive back into the dating pool again. Coupled Caps could even catch baby fever. As the saying goes, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Aquarius Your home is your sanctuary, Aquarius — at least, it should be. Thursday’s full moon in your domestic quarter helps you with the task of feathering your nest. If you’re ready to relocate, a dream listing could be revealed. Flip through the real estate section and find the nearest U-Haul. This full moon could bring a family situation to an overdue resolution. Agree to disagree instead of trying to persuade your relatives to see things your way — or railing against their values that differ from yours. On Saturday, Mercury sweeps through your success sector until November 22 putting career demands front and center. You could spend a chunk of the weekend playing catch up on work projects or simply doing the extra credit work to stay ahead of your competition. Men will be the star players in your ascent for this two-week phase, so be sure to get in good with the guys. Pisces Late to the party is better than never making it there at all. This week will find you in catch-up mode. With a full moon in your social, pop-culture obsessed third house, you have planetary permission to get out more. Take time to download new music, read the headlines, and find out what is going on in the lives of your friends — the ones you keep meaning to call. Have you outgrown your go-to crew? Kindred spirits crop up as the week progresses. Curious Mercury moves into your travel zone from Saturday until November 22. Get in touch with your expat friends and discuss a visit to their current far-flung home. Some couchsurfing could be in the cards for you before November is through. Berlin? Portland? Austin? Mercury’s beams will also bless any media project and entrepreneurial ventures that you are working on. Time to launch that blog or Etsy store, Pisces. Aries Make it rain, Aries. You’re so money this week, thanks to Thursday’s full moon in Taurus and your cash-positive second house. News of a job offer, promotion, or dream project could pop up. And, let’s be honest, you have SO earned this. Don’t waste a minute questioning your ability to pull off the momentous task. What you don’t already know, you’ll learn along the way. If you’ve been diligently saving, shop around for an investment piece that makes your wardrobe sing, like a buttery leather jacket or a classic watch that will be right on time for decades. In love, Mercury pulls for a power merger. Dive deeper into a promising commitment this weekend: Going all in is the way to reap true rewards. Taurus This Thursday marks the annual full moon in Taurus, a cosmic event that reboots your system and brings acclaim for your efforts of the past six months. Are you ready to step onto the stage? Schedule your big reveal and show just how much you’ve grown. But, do wait until Thursday to take your bow. Prior to that, tie up loose ends and polish every presentation to a high gloss. For some Bulls, this full moon will be the moment of liberation. Break free from confining situations and find your own voice. On Saturday, messenger Mercury returns to your relationship house for the second time this fall. A connection that started sizzling between September 25 and October 10 will have a second act over the coming two weeks. Be generous and extend a Get Out of Jail Free card to someone who flaked earlier this fall. Gemini Life edit time. This week, there’s only one question to ask: Should it stay or should it go? With Thursday’s full moon in Taurus and your 12th house of transitions, you’ll be keenly aware that you can’t move on to the next stage of the game if you’re dragging all that baggage from the last one. If you have no more use for it, pack it up — or trim it off. Some Gems could finally try that layered lob or pixie-hawk. (Who needs the memories tied up in those dead strands of hair, anyway?) Toxic relationships, begone! As a social Gemini, you’re more affected than most by other people. If they’re bringing you down or subtly competing with you, put up that protective wall once and for all. Of course, there are some things in the sort pile that are unquestionable keepers. This week, make sure to treasure them. Cancer Chill the Veuve. Before the weekend, you could be clinking flutes to celebrate a shared victory. You can thank the full moon for that, which will light up your team-spirited 11th house this Thursday, November 6. Now comes the tough question: Is it time to break away from this crew and explore some new alliances? Sentimental though you may be, you can’t hang on out of habit. Give yourself permission to explore a new scene, without bringing your old amies along for the ride. On Saturday, Mercury moves into your glamorous, amorous fifth house until November 22. Schedule the salon appointments and pull your party frocks to the front of your closet. When you look good, you feel good — and, that buoyant energy makes you simply irresistible. Get ready for a walk of fame and a romantic reboot with Mercury’s assist. Leo Thursday’s full moon in Taurus and your 10th house of success could bring a major career coup. Important people are starting to notice your hard work of the past six months, and it will pay off this week. If you aren’t ready to be vaulted onto the throne (or into the executive suite), the full moon brings an opening for ascension. Try apprenticing for an industry impresario. If no one is willing to give you a chance, just take matters into your own capable hands. Be a self-starter. A project you launch on your own could soon attract the attention of some heavy hitters. But, you never know, Leo: By then, you might be enjoying your indie-superstar status so much that you’re unwilling to give it up. The men in your life will be chipping in with some good deeds; be generous with your thanks. Virgo Go long, Virgo! The usual places and faces just won’t cut it for you this week. With Thursday’s full moon in Taurus and your globetrotting ninth house, opportunity will be found in a distant zip code — or country. Book the Skype chat, or maybe even the plane tickets. Close to home, a cross-cultural click could inspire you, too. But, be ready for a moment of truth. You simply can’t lie to yourself under this clarifying lunar light. Over the past six months, you’ve gathered enough evidence to make a decision. Within two weeks of this full moon, you must make a choice: Accept things as they are and stop complaining, or pull up the stakes and move on to greener pastures. Libra Feeling drunk in love? Thursday’s erotically charged full moon makes you hotter than visual album Beyoncé. That said, you’re more likely to pursue one smoldering prospect than burn through a marathon of Tinder dates. Chemistry that’s been percolating over the past six months could combust in a bout of bodice ripping. Some Libras will simply get more serious, demanding an exclusivity clause. Fear not! Labeling relationships gives you room to breathe, relax, and let yourself go, knowing that you and your partner are on the same page. You can apply this guideline at work, too. By the time the week is through, a contract could be signed, sealed, and delivered. 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Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:40:18 +0000

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