Your Love Forecast for the Year 2015! . . . . 1. Aries – - TopicsExpress


Your Love Forecast for the Year 2015! . . . . 1. Aries – The Ram love forecast If You’re Single This will be a busy year for you. You will have new work projects coming your way, and will have little time to focus on relationships. The key here is to strike a balance between the two. Once you’ve done that, love will eventually come along. Your mantra should be “Don’t run after love, let it run after you instead!” That’s right Aries, don’t rush into things you can’t commit to at the moment. When things have to happen, they will. If You Have A Partner This year is a testing period for you. Although you may love your partner unconditionally, your work will demand more attention. That’s fine. Find a balance to keep both priorities content. Whenever you have spare time to kill, pamper your partner. Shower them with affection, and work on your relationship. Not only will your partner be happy, your mind and body will be at ease as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Taurus – The Bull love forecast If You’re Single You’re in luck, fellow Taurean. There’s a fat chance that you will find your true love during the course of this year. The beauty is that the person you will fall for is the one you never imagined being with, in the first place. Keep your eyes wide open as love could be hiding anywhere! If You Have A Partner You will grow closer to your partner this year. It’s that rare time where you will be able to connect with them emotionally, physically and spiritually. This bond will not happen out of the blue, circumstances will merge the two of you together. In addition, distance yourself from envious and jealous people as this could tamper with your relationship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Gemini – The Twins love forecast If You’re Single Geminis, sorry to say, but the last year didn’t prove to be lucky when it came to love. You may have tried all the tricks in the book, but somehow failed to take level-up on the relationship front. However, this year things will be different. You might fall in love, and you will spark a bond with the right person. More than lovers, you will find a best friend in your partner. Treasure it, and go with the flow. If You Have a Partner All these years you may have contemplated whether s/he is the one for you. This year, it will all make sense. The universe pushes you to take your relationship and convert it into marriage. That’s a big step we know, but if the universe wishes you to take it, why should you have second thoughts about it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Cancer – The Crab love forecast If You’re Single 2014 may have been generous to you with career and friends, but it hasn’t given you something that you desired the most – love. This year it will. It will bring you closer to your soulmate. If You Have A Partner This is a very good time for you and your partner. Both of you will connect at a deeper level. Reality will kick in, and you will understand the importance of your relationship. Situations will make you learn to love and appreciate your better half more than you ever did before. Have faith in each other, and together, the two of you will overpower any obstacle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Leo – The Lion love forecast If You’re Single You may not be vocal about it, but deep down, you’re craving to be loved, pampered and looked out for. If you manage to drop the ego, you will find what you want. That is love. The only thing you need to do is become more approachable. If You Have A Partner Have you been trusting your friends more than your partner lately? Have they been responsible for creating a rift between the two of you? Well, that’s something you need to tackle ASAP. You’re too emotional – do not let your friends mislead you into destroying something perfect. Your partner is your lover and friend. Cut those negative people off if you have to, and focus on bonding with your mate. Once those strom starters are out of the picture, you’ll be back to being with your partner like those good honeymoon days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Virgo – The Virgin love forecast If You’re Single Stress and emotional depression may have gotten the better of you in 2014, but not anymore. This time, you will have someone to lighten the weight of your emotional baggage. Yes, you will find the one you’ve been waiting for all your life. All you have to do is open your mind and embrace this new person without any feelings of the past attached. If You Have A Partner Love, health and finance are all in favour of you this time. You may have fallen in and out of love over the years, but this time, the bond will only become stronger. Give your partner the space and affection they deserve, and what you will get in return is happiness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Libra – The Scales love forecast If You’re Single The universe loves you. Even though you may have not felt it as yet, it has been keeping its watchful eye on you. It will rewarded you with love. Someone special will bump into you and bring the magic back into your life. The only thing you need to do is, be patient and let love take its course. If You Have A Partner Is your partner surprising you with romantic gestures lately? If not, hold your horses, they will. Their love will intoxicate you and inspire you to become a better person each day. Remember, you’ve been good to the cosmos lately, and they’re only giving you what you deserve best. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Scorpio – The Scorpion love forecast If You’re Single Don’t be shocked if your knight in shining armour decides to randomly ask you out on a date. (You’ve dreamt of this moment since forever!) You deserve to be treated like a princess, more so, his princess. Till now, you’ve been only giving to the universe and not receiving. It’s now the universe’s time to repay you. It’s doing so with what you crave the most – love. If You Have A Partner If you’re seeing someone, chances are, it might end up in marriage. You will come to realize that your relationship is the real deal, and there’s no one else who completes you so perfectly than your partner. Get ready to put a ring on it, we say! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Sagittarius – The Archer love forecast If You’re Single Love is patient, love is kind, and that’s something you have to realize. The more you want something, the farther it will run away from you. Give things its time and space, and the universe will grant your wish. If You Have A Partner Is your ex still running through your mind? That’s because you haven’t completely moved on. If you’re not in love with the person you’re with, how on earth do you expect them to love you in return? Let go of the past, and focus on the future. You have a wonderful partner, and one that’s worth keeping. Don’t ever take them for granted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Capricorn – The Goat love forecastIf You’re Single Because of your flirtatious nature, you never have a hard time getting your arm around someone. However, all that will change this year. You will bump into someone who will teach you the definition of love. You can have that person to yourself, but all you need to do is give them a reason to trust you. If You Have A Partner Your relationship may hit the rocks this year. But that’s fine. There’s plenty of fish in the sea. If you can work a way around your differences, that would be brilliant though. But if you don’t have the patience to do so, then you better move on. Sometimes things do happen for the best. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Aquarius – The Water Bearer love forecast If You’re Single If love is not what you’re looking for, you will never find it. You live a busy life, but don’t you want to come home to someone who loves you? That can happen only if you wish it to be. With a realistic approach, prioritize your personal life. If You Have A Partner Money is important, but not at the cost of your relationship. You may want to give your spouse the best, and that’s a good thing. Just don’t get too caught up with work. You wouldn’t want to be in a position where you have to choose between your profession and you partner now, do you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Pisces – The Fish love forecast If You’re Single The karma cycles are spinning in your favour. The new year will give you the strenght to go out there and achieve what you want so bad. One of those goals is love. With the right attitude and positive intentions you can attract what you desire the most. If You Have A Partner Things will be hectic for you soon, but that’s not one of the reasons why you should be using your relationship as a release. You have a wonderful partner, the type others only desire to have. Cherish that fact, and start working on your relationship. Remember, the more you give, the more is what you’re going to get. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:24:21 +0000

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