Your expectation becomes your mental ruling state, which leads you - TopicsExpress


Your expectation becomes your mental ruling state, which leads you to an outcome that you dont want, just being diagnosed with CMT sets up an expectation. If I had believed the specialist that diagnosed me with CMT, I would have been in a wheelchair 13 years ago, I am still improving, and I live a very active life being a farmer, Im still physically fit and able to carry out all of my farm activities without any form of assistance. I refused to believe the diagnosis, and went looking for the cause. I refused any surgery because I knew it was only playing with the symptoms and not the cause. There is hope. I only expect improvement and that is what Im getting. If you set your intention of what you really want and are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve that, then you will find a way. If you dont set your expectations for your self then you fall into living someone elses expectations for you. It took me more than 10 years of research, going to different doctors and trying every healing modality that I could find, eventually I created a system that worked I was rapidly deteriorating when I was using a lot of chemicals on the farm and not concerned with what I ate. The best thing I ever did was eliminate all chemicals from my home and from my diet. CMT will actually improve over time if you give your body the right nutrition. I am living proof that your body M.aster T.his. I had to stop looking for band-aids, and living my life as a victim, and when I did everything changed for me.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:10:03 +0000

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