Youre not allowed to carry a lit kerosene-soaked torch into a - TopicsExpress


Youre not allowed to carry a lit kerosene-soaked torch into a public restaurant because No Shit, people. Youre not allowed to wander around your local mall pushing a wheelbarrow filled with gasoline, even if you promise you wont light that match youre carrying, because the rest of us arent Freaking Stupid. You dont get to brandish grenades while telling your ideological enemies to suck on this, you dont get to go to the movie theater with your really-well-trained-I-promise mountain lion, you dont get to visit your local fast-food restaurant with a glass jar of Sarin gas strapped to the top of your head while telling the people around you that there wont be any problems so long as everyone treats you nice. We are not stupid. There are many, many laws against carrying a dangerous thing into a public place where said dangerous thing is almost certain to cause multiple deaths if it is actually used, because the general pretext of civilization is that we do not need to be able to kill random strangers at a moments notice wherever we go, not even if it makes us feel better. Except guns. Make any of those things a gun, and youre allowed to, and there are interest groups and lobbyist groups devoted explicitly to allowing you, and the sole and entire reason you are allowed to carry a gun into Target and not a blazing lit torch, a mountain lion, a grenade or a bottle of sarin gas is just that none of those groups have paid out enough money to make it happen. Make it a gun, and suddenly youre a goddamn self-certified patriot. Its a notion so stupid that you have to be daft in the head to even consider it, and kudos to the Open Carry jackasses for demonstrating what it actually looks like in practice. Hunter.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 22:59:40 +0000

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