Zhoumi Weibo Update: Clarifications on the recent - TopicsExpress


Zhoumi Weibo Update: Clarifications on the recent rumors Clarifications on the recent rumors 11th December 2014 12:11 Hello, everyone. I am Zhoumi. After the incident happened, (I) have been really stressed for the continuous few days, and (I) have been hestitating whether or not (I should) write this clarification article, but this time(,) I am being said for not being patriotic, (and) defaming China’s image in a foreign country, discrediting (my) homeland, I really have to explain, to me(,) this is really an utmost hurt and defame, as a Chinese who is having activities in Korea, I have always been proud of being a Chinese, now that (this) incident has happened, no matter how (I) explain(,) everyone might still not believe, but here(,) I (would) still hope that through my own mouth, (I will be able to) explain the real situation at that point of time with regards to the rumor. 1: (The) program is a talk show(,) where (they) invite a few foreigners from different countries(,) who are staying in Korea(,) to participate (in the show), the topic for that day is security, thus as a guest(,) everyone will raise an example to explain each country’s current security situationand also the security situation in the past(,) and also (their) encounters(.) 2: On the day of recording(,) I spoke about my mother’s encounter (which) happend a long time ago(.) 3: In the program(,) I said(,) “It happend when (my) mother was on the way to the airport”, not (that) it happened at the airport(.) 4: At that point of time(,) when (my) mother was cheated(, she) already lost consciousness, through (my) mother’s narration, I used the Korean phrase “spray” on the program, but (I) did not say spray of ecstasy, (when my) mother was unconscious(,) the cash, savings card, password and identification card in her wallet were (all) taken away, 3 savings cards (adding up together,) about (a total of) 50 thousand Renminbi were withdrawn out (Because it is a Korean program, so I used about 10 million Korean won to explain) 5: From the start of the program till the end, I did not say “China is a dangerous country” like what the rumor said, and in the program I explicitly said that “China is not a dangerous country, I love my homeland very much.” 6: At the end of the program(,) I elaborated my own idea, (when you’re) away from home, no matter which country, even in a safe country(,) everyone should pay attention to safety themselves. 7: Things said in the program really happened to (my) mother, alot people are saying that for me to go to the program, (I am) bringing out my mother to spread rumors, when the incident happened(,) I just entered into university, after (my) mother settled everything and left(,)for about 5 to 6 hours (she was) uncontactable, after knowing that even (her) identification card had also been taken away, not having even a penny, (my) mother went to the police station and made a report(,) afterwhich found a friend and borrowed money to take the train home, at that time(,) glad that nothing dangerous happend to (my) mother….. but it is definitely not making up facts just for the program. Because it’s a Korean program, as a Chinese(,) my ability to express in Korean is not so perfect, with regards to the incident (that happened) in the program(,) I did a brief elaboration, (I have) absolute no intention of defaming my own homeland, perhaps due to the issue of statements(,) causing audience’s misunderstanding, I herby apologise…… Regards to the rumor’s garble on the Internet, (I) hope everyone could finish watching the whole program, in every Korean program(,) I have shown the pride and honor of being a Chinese should have, (I) don’t expect (that I could) have everyone’s approval, but please everyone give me (some) basic respect. I don’t know in the first place in what reason some people are defaming and making malicious speculation on the Internet, even going to the extend to personal attacking me and my family member, regarding this, I have already handed to (my) company(,) hoping to solve the problem by legal methods. Thank you for everyone’s understanding and support……
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:05:20 +0000

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