___________________________________________ An Open Letter To - TopicsExpress


 ___________________________________________ An Open Letter To The Citizens Of Morgan County ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I am Randal (Randy) Cavnar and I am a retired Decatur Police Department Sergeant and I proudly served that department and the citizens of Decatur for 31 years. I want to serve as your next Sheriff. First of all let me state that I am not a politician. As political as I will ever get is to ask you, the concerned law abiding citizens of Morgan County for your vote and support. I am also not a politically correct person. I say what I think is right, not what I think someone wants to hear. I am a lawman it is in my blood and it is what I was put on this earth to do. I as a citizen and fellow law enforcement officer fully support our current Sheriff Anna Franklin and the Morgan County Sheriff’s departments efforts as I hope we all do. They deserve our support for their efforts and sacrifices. So the question is asked, why am I running for Sheriff? When anyone seeks election to this office they had better possess the appropriate level of confidence that it takes combined with a high level of law enforcement experience to say that they can do a better job, and do more than the person currently performing the duties as the County Sheriff. Someone that leads by example. Does this mean or does this imply that the current Sheriff is doing a bad job? It most certainly does not. It just means that if you do run for this office and if you cannot do more or better then why run at all . I possess that appropriate level of confidence , I possess that level of experience, and I do lead by example there is simply no other way to successfully lead. Our campaign (it is a team effort) will concentrate only on the plans I have and the processes to implement those plans for the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department. I will not and refuse to engage in any conversation that will discredit our current Sheriff, or any other candidate seeking this office. The profession of Law Enforcement REQUIRES Professionalism at the highest possible level. That includes all candidates seeking the office of Sheriff. Pointing fingers is counterproductive and discredits our profession, and erodes the TRUST we must have from the concerned law abiding public in order to be successful in our mission against the criminal element. My intentions are clear and you have my word that our campaign will concentrate on our plans and management philosophy. I fully expect the same professionalism from our incumbent Sheriff, and any other candidates should there be any as well. Why do I want to serve? Simple answer…for all the RIGHT reasons. As I write this statement it is August 30 2013. I do not know the salary for the Morgan County Sheriff. So I am not seeking this office because of what it pays. I have NEVER suited up and performed as a police officer in my 31 years on the job for the money, it doesn’t pay that well and it is not why I served. I am not seeking this office as a stepping stone to another political office, remember I am not a politician. I have one simple goal, one simple mission. I want to make the Morgan County Sheriff’s department the best in the State of Alabama. This may be an unachievable goal for there many excellent Sheriff’s departments in the state. But I firmly believe as long as we try to reach that goal, as long as we try each and everyday we serve to reach this goal the RIGHT way, we will be on the right road to make the Sheriff’s Department better and more effective than it is right now. The excellent professional dedicated personnel are in place and serving, and through training far beyond what is required they will get better and more efficient at what they do, thus providing better service to the public, and I assure you more fear to the criminal element. I am a vocal critic of no politics in law enforcement. Politics in our profession removes fairness. Politics compromises the letter and intent of the law. When this occurs the enforcement of a law is compromised and when all of this occurs someone is being treated unfairly. This is not what a law is designed for, nor is this what we of who wear the badge took an oath to do. I will take this same philosophy into the management of the Sheriff’s Department. Remember politics removes fairness, and without fairness morale suffers. It is the Sheriff’s responsibility as well as the commanding officers of the department to ensure that morale remains at the highest level possible, it is a never ending process. Creating a work atmosphere where one looks forward to coming to work breeds a high level of professionalism, productivity, and dedication all of which is crucial in a successful law enforcement agency. Deputies and Detention Officers will be trained more, they will have continous education from the training and combined with fairness from management see the goals of their careers as far as promotion and division transfers more achievable. This just as important will also provide better service to you, the citizen. If we are successful (if fortunate enough to be elected as your Sheriff) you the public will be able to say we have a great Sheriff’s Department, not a great Sheriff. It is not about the Sheriff. It is about the public we serve, it is about the department that provides the service. The department executes the plans. The department are the men and women on patrol, patrolling and keeping order in the jail, the security staff, the mechanics for the fleet, and the office support staff and communication officers. I will take the heat (if elected) on what goes wrong, I will give the credit when it goes right. We are the line between right and wrong, and that same line has to be in place when it comes to the appropriate use of tax dollars that it takes to successfully run the Sheriff’s Department. Politicians make promises, so I will not promise but you have my word that we will not spend our tax paid dollars in a reckless manner. We will only ask for equipment that we need, and we will have programs in place to ensure that our equipment, and facilities are maintained in a professional manner. In order to be a successful agency another key element and I firmly believe the most important is a partnership with you , the law abiding citizen. Without you and your help we cannot be totally successful. It takes trust for that to happen. Trust for this position does not start once the oath is given, it starts NOW! I need your help, your prayers and your trust that I will never stop trying to keep so I can serve as your Sheriff, Together WE CAN make this happen! Thank You and God Bless!
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 06:38:21 +0000

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