a facebook friend of mine uploaded this and this was my - TopicsExpress


a facebook friend of mine uploaded this and this was my response: this is completely wrong and is filled with bullshit. maybe maybe the middle part about the wars is correct the rest is twisted facts racing from: most palestinians dont recognize israels right to exist - not true as recent polls have shown the majority of palestinians not only recognize israels right to exist but its right to exist as a jewish state which is a much more problematic thing for them to say -, to one side wants the other dead - once again this is an unbaised lie! which is being told by the right-wingists so to explain why they are against peace talks when the truth is they just want justification for controling more land. what he refers to as the one side is only the extrimists within the palestinian population, that includes hamas, fattah and more extrimists and while it is true that they have some support it is not true to call them the palestinian side as they do not represent the majority. if this guy had any reservations about strait-out lying he would tell you that the other side is actually the Palestinian National Authority or רשות which does not want israel to stop existing but just its land back and a chance for a sovriegn state. - now to the excuse of the 22 other arab nations: this is not a viable reason for anything and does not exuse the control of israel over the west bank niether does it eliminate the Legitimacy of the palestinian claims. im sorry that inteligent people think that saying: but they have more than us is a reason for anything as the last time i heard an excuse like this it came from my 3 year old brother about a toy and even then my mother explained how that doesnt matter because that was still not his toy and he could not take it and he understood! my 3 year old brother understod how an excuse used by politicians is complete bullshit while half of the grown up world cant! and i return to the excuse of them wanting us dead: not true and as i said these are only the extrimists and if you want to jusge by extremes then we have the kachists or כהניסטים and the actual political party Otzma LeYisrael or עוצמה לישראל which both say that we sould kill all arabs and more, and can actually be easilly compared with the nazi party in germani because of the vast similarities between the two! and these organizations and there views are already socially acceptable and are getting more and more support, so if you want to judge by extremists no problem but you cant be suprised if everyone does the same to you. i have many more problems with this video which i shall keep to my self for your benefit as to save you many long hours of reading durig which you shall hopefully realise the stupidity and plain out wrongness of this video
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:14:58 +0000

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