after the Titanic sank April 15th became official Tax Day the next - TopicsExpress


after the Titanic sank April 15th became official Tax Day the next year.. here are some other interesting events of April 15th throughout recent history. there are probably more and maybe some would see it as grasping at straws, but I think its really undeniable that they have an obsession with dates and numbers and peculiar events are not just coincidences a lot of the time 1861 Lincoln calls for 75k military volunteers 1865 Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22 a.m. 1865 Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th President 1870 Last day U.S. silver coins allow to circulate in Canada (in 1920 New Canadian small cent coin is released) 1877 1st telephone installed: Boston-Somerville, Massachusetts 1892 General Electric Company is formed and incorporated 1896 1st Olympic games close at Athens, Greece 1902 Pope Leo XIII encyclical On the Church in the US 1912 The Titanic sinks in the North Atlantic at 2:20 a.m., two hours and forty minutes after hitting an iceberg. Only 710 of 2,227 passengers and crew on board survive. 1921 Black Friday 1922 Banting, MacLeod and Best discover insulin 1923 Insulin becomes generally available for diabetics (evil) 1927 The Great Mississippi Flood, the most destructive river flood in U.S. history, begins. (weather modification patent exists prior to this, you never know ;) ) 1936 First day of the Arab revolt in Mandatory Palestine. 1945 U.S. troops occupy concentration camp Colditz 1945 British troops liberate Belsen concentration camp 1948 1st Jewish-Arab military battle, arabs defeated 1949 Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Redemptoris nostri (focuses on Palestine war) 1952 U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site (oh same day Ray opens his McDonalds) 1952 Franklin National Bank issues 1st bank credit card 1952 1st B-52 prototype test flight 1961 8 CIA-supplied B-26 bombers attacked Cuban air fields 1965 NFL changes penalty flag from white to bright gold 1969 North Korea shoots at U.S. airplane above Japanese sea 1973 Walt Disney Store opens 1974 Military coup in Niger 1978 Great Britain performs nuclear test 1983 Tokyo Disneyland opens 1984 U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test at Semipalitinsk 1986 U.S. air raids Libya, responding to La Belle disco, Berlin bombing 1989 Hillsborough disaster during FA Cup semi-final match a human crush resulted in the deaths of 96 people and injuries to 766 others 1991 Europe foreign ministers lift most remaining sanctions against South Africa 1991 East-Europe Bank forms in London 1992 Jay Lenos final appearance as permanent guest host of Tonight 1994 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (21 days after his divorce) weds Mary Richardson 1997 America On Line, begins service in Japan 2002 Air China flight 129 crashes into a mountain near Pusan, South Korea killing 128 2011 Each household within the exclusion zone of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant will receive 1 million yen from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (not even $10k) 2013 April 15th made official Jackie Robinson Day (1947 he has his major league debut and 1997 Baseball honors Jackie Robinson by retiring #42 for all teams) 2012 China allows the yuan to fluctuate up to 1% from 0.5%, in trading against the U.S. dollar 2013 Bombing at Boston Marathon in Boston 2014 200 Nigerian females kidnapped
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 19:06:44 +0000

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