after the removal of an asylee an asylee seeker a non national of - TopicsExpress


after the removal of an asylee an asylee seeker a non national of the united states of america and a parent of a united states of america citizen during a political coup into a conflict of zone i under the penalty of perjury i had wittnessed torture descritptipn of methode and weapon to the best of my knowledge lazers and concentrated lights uv infrared ultra violet burning light concentrated through lights waves and ultrsound waves isolation of hydrogen and other molecule by radioactive equipment and place these molecule on the victime body or into the victime body me najeh naoui also known as issa ahmed almahdi this process result in extreme cold and pain on the body especialy on feet legs and knees and knees cap the process is similar to dipping a leg into ice water for two or three days lazer stings and lazers skin penetrating some time it would cause callapsing if directed taward legs unis penis testicles also prabably sterilization both weapon and method are used and i personally experienced in two count-ries the usa and tunisia for the court information i was not in jail i have experieced these form of torture in my car in my house in my room in the caffe shop in the street in both country in tunisia and the united states of america texas austin sanantonio usa nefta tozeur tunis tunisia thuis evidence show the premeditation or the planing of restraining of an asylee and torture and intent of murder the victime me still have evidence of torture visual physical and chemically if my lungs and blood are checked and analysed the removal torture planing of two murder my dad and my neighbour 6 failed attempted murder involves over 200 person from both countries therefor regardless of filing date any international criminal court or national criminal court should this dated document as unrebutable evidence of crimes occured and still occuring and hold these 200 persons responsible for all these crimes and open an investigation in both counrties to hold the others assissted or helped these 200 person commit these crimes signed and terminated same day same date
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:24:51 +0000

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