.......another cold morning on the mountain...........the cool air - TopicsExpress


.......another cold morning on the mountain...........the cool air flowing from the storms in the Midwest have filtered down here........bringing an abnormal cold for this time of year.........in the inky blackness of the morning........it has caused the skies to be crisp and clear like I remembered from living in ND..........every star hung on this velvety black background like brilliant diamonds shimmering with rays of light streaming from each and every one of them..............vapors of steam are rising from my hot cup of joe and its rich goodness not only is tantalizing my palate.....but the warmth feels good as I swallow each sip.........the smells of the forest seem to be accentuated with the cold and there is a distinct smell of smoke from the neighbors wood stove as he has fired it up to take the edge off the brisk coolness............Mr. Murphy is off checking the borders of his kingdom and I see flashes of white as he moves in and out of the yard lights..............a rooster crows to the south of me and is answered by another somewhere just over the horizon............its this time of day.........in the early morning that is so peaceful and the beauty of nature........even in the dark somehow shows itself..........from the beautiful jewels hung in the sky to the tall oak trees that surround my house like a giant wall buffering this place from wind and the outside world.........I feel like God himself is standing next to me with a smile on his face and he looks at me and say..........Do I do good work or what!!!..................with Mr. Murphy back on the deck.......and a smile of reverence for it all........one last sip of joe and we head inside...........Good Morning FB!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 11:40:15 +0000

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