as i remembered.. my childhood school days were simple.. - - TopicsExpress


as i remembered.. my childhood school days were simple.. - i woke up.. by myself - i made my own breakfast (biasa roti dan planta aja...kadang kala biskut biasa.. square square tu...) - i walked to school with my siblings... - i did my own homeworks without being told to ... or face the punishment in school if didnt .. (my mom didnt need to remind me -- NOT ONCE.) - i packed my own school bag else i face the music in school as usual (again my mom didnt remind me at all...).. I grew up... pretty independent i think... BUT todays... we parents do ALL the above for our children. .. including ME.... so.. i told myself.. gotta slowly let go else i will be breeding two USELESS BOYS who depend on mommy for THINKING & REMINDING jobs... PREVIOUSLY... i told them to PACK their bags & i actually sit there watching them pack... STARTING last sunday - i told them to pack their bag & THAT is all... this morning... on our way to school.. i heard my littleboy GASPING away behind moi.. & mumbling to himself while he frantically digging into his bag. . Oh my god! I forgot to bring my art work!! The teacher gonna scold me... ok ok dont worry.. i dont think he is going to scold me.. he only scold when i am noisy.. i just make sure i keep quiet today...yah yah.. ... continue digging. .. Oh my GOD... i forgot to bring my sport shirt & long pants for the sport day training... arrrghh... i put them on the god... (heard him hitting his own head with his fist) -- teacher gonna make me stand there... ok ok.. i apologise to teacher.. yah yah.. ... dig somemore. ... Oooooooo my GOD... i forgot to bring my snack... ooooo....... er.. er... ooo phew! Found it!! my FOOD! [mommy thinking : lol.. good luck boy!] 25092014 is a start isnt it... gotta start somewhere...
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:15:30 +0000

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