as someone who wishes to make music for a positive purpose, I just - TopicsExpress


as someone who wishes to make music for a positive purpose, I just cant help but notice how we live in a society where the media presses this imagery of how being a ratchet or hood is acceptable and the thing to be. How having more money and materials is a status symbol. how what we see and hear is the truth and we dont need to ask questions.. that a protest sitting in a park and doing nothing is not only considered a movement though it does nothing, but also on the other hand is an acceptable time to pepper gas people that are unarmed. it was harder times during the civil rights movements but they did real protests, and now were merely brave enough to sit in a park and think thatll get a mssg across. were fed this impression to fend only for number one and we forget that were all brothers and sisters and are much stronger and capable when helping each other. As common laborious slaves were forgetting that knowledge is power and replacing that with greed, but all that does is give our masters more power. and if u dont think that we are slaves then ask your self this, do u work because you want to or because you have to? all im saying is that eventually there must be a change. the need for money should turn into a yearning for education, and one that you dont have to slave your whole life away to pay back. There will be a revolution and its not gonna be in the form of machetes and AKs. it will be in the form of books, asking questions, unity, and morals, and intend to eventually be a part of what sparks it...even if its after im dead, I will make sure I leave a positive impression in this world. peace and love. this has been a p.s.a. from OTC
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:20:47 +0000

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