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   Resistance - Part 2 A Practical Technique to Get Past That Which Holds You Back (from anything!) holds you back from whatever you want and dont have. What can you do to get past this resistance? Watch this video and follow the simple steps below... You need to raise your vibrational level in order to move out of any low energy such as fear, apprehension, depression, uncertainty, anger, etc. This Focus Wheel process will help you to move out of a lower vibration into a higher vibration. Have you ever been confused about anything and the feel of that emotion was uncomfortable? Then you found the solution, your feel switched to a lighter, better feel. That is how it feels to move from lower vibration to higher vibration. Heres the Focus Wheel (print it out if youd like.) 4.bp.blogspot/-fVqQFm1-hCk/T0t6ZaBHEjI/AAAAAAAAPbc/gju7hbm-Ay8/s320/wheel+graphic.jpg I like to use the pie chart style of Focus WHeel as it is easier than the series of circles in circles used by Esther in the video above. You may want to divide each section with a line going vertically through it so you have space to write down even more afirming sentences. The more the merrier. Be sure you set aside ample time for this (an hour maybe) and be in a place you can work undisturbed. What you do with the Focus Wheel: First, pick something in your life that’s not as you want it to be. Hold that idea in your for just a moment. Second, after thinking of what you dont want, decide what it is you would like. Create a sentence that represents this thing or situation that you would like, and put it in the center of your focus wheel. (Use a pencil for this, because you might need to erase a few times until you get a sentence that feels best! The truth comes out in the feel!) Give this lots of thought and just let the words come to you. Third, start filling in the sections of the wheel, in order, starting at the straight up twelve oclock position. Keep your thoughts within the subject you have chosen and write a good-feeling statement that feels true to you. While going around the wheel, in a clockwise direction, write more and more statements that feel better and better to you. After you write each one, ask yourself, Does this statement feel true? Does this statement feel good? Keep adjusting your statements until they feel just right. Fourth, after you have filled in all the sections, read the statement in the center again. You will find you feel much closer to that statement than you did when you started the process. Amazing! You can do this every day with a new Focus Wheel each day. Use this process on different subjects to align your energy with the better life your higher power has already created for you (because what you are wanting already has been created...its just waiting to be allowed in!). Keep in mind that whenever you release your resistance to a thought or thing, even a little bit, you are able to move closer to it. See how releasing resistance and working through your blocks changes your life! This could be your wheel of fortune! If you found this Focus Wheel process of value, be sure to comment below. ~Chrissy
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:59:53 +0000

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