atlast the 4 months are over n gosh!!!!!!! i cant express my joy - TopicsExpress


atlast the 4 months are over n gosh!!!!!!! i cant express my joy am so excited ...lookin back hmmh speechless ..april tough month tough last wks after my bdae i askd God i wanted to be moulded in my yr n i was abt to take back my words ......nyw it was tough i remember a CRAZY pal of mine say Rinah there is a fight btwn God n satan in ua lyf n i dnt know who wil win it was a stupid statement bt hhmmh it xplains how bad it was then came may n june where i spent mst hrs in hospital than home with mum then the last 2 months boredom n the ever bsy me gts so frustrated in idleness bt al in al i hv bn moulded shaped gone thru that fire as gold does while bein refined hv learnt to trst God n as my results came my pal tod me Rinah God won the battle n am like duh My Solid Rock always does it for me..i hv become a real lady can handle much work under pressure n learnt to survive life hmmmh my bst lesson was our wants myt b different frm Gods wants for us bt trst His is bst in the choices! !!!!!! atlist few days to bein with some great treasure in my life al in al to embark fully to my bsy schedule of studies n connecting with my daddy!!!! yes tym to love my Heavenly love more n to know Him better
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:43:02 +0000

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