bbwg [part 3] Living Forward...! (A quantum leap and a - TopicsExpress


bbwg [part 3] Living Forward...! (A quantum leap and a transporting of your VIEW...!!! Changing Themes, transition, Shifts and a God progressions) Loosing the Weights...of Yesterdays, - TRANSITION - (We must walk OUT of something, so that we can walk INTO something : Progression.) FORGETTING what lies behind and straining FORWARD to what lies Ahead........ (Phil. 3:13b) WHEN I look at the wisdom of God that Paul relates to us in Phil. 3:13 beloved..I find my inner focus taking up occupancy within the animation of the verse! For Paul..cites for us a very enabling and PROGRESSIVE wisdom as he states the imperative of leaving in the past, those things which ARE to be left....and the going Those things..which are ahead! NEW things..require that one leave off the BAGGAGE of yesterdays that are no longer to be a part of your today, that is only serving to deplete your strength, blur your vision, impede your movement, and depress you. All that issue..and BAGGAGE from a previous level must be dealt with and layed aside so that you will be freed up to MOVE..with God (!) on with God into Purposes progression, and every new level of that progression encountered..along the way. In things that happen in life that have hurt us, bruised us in any way..we must allow the Spirit of God, in intimate TIME with HEAL that broken He transforms us by the saturation of His Word and the comfort that only His Spirit can give to us. Never allow RUSH you as the Lord is doing His work. HEALING is a part of HIS...agenda, and sometimes..that takes a little TIME. In ANY case the commanded direction is...FORWARD and away from. What I am saying to you beloved, is ALLOW..the process. You and I have nowhere to RUSH off to..if GOD hasnt transitioned us THERE. And sometimes we can get ahead of God in that healing process and what was meant to be a transitionary time will end up a PLACE not mended and only tucked away, and instead of being healthy in that MOVE..we are but a time bomb waiting just the opportune time to go off on somebody, because we have not allowed the Spirit of God to HEAL..the place. Somebody say Holy Spirit...please, HEAL the PLACE. Sometimes Hes in the Healing stage in our lives..and the MOVEMENT is not so much in our physical busyness, but in our inner healing. The the NEW thing,..and the leaving off of that former thing. It is so very vital that you and I allow the Spirit of God to work in us and we dont allow people, even well meaning people, and those who mutter critical criticisms (your movement is not they THINK it ought to be, and not as fast as they feel you ought to move) to RUSH you in a progression that you are yet to be fully equipped for. LET the Holy Spirit, not PEOPLE.. Pace you in your going forward, and all that entails..beloved. Too, I want to encourage you, my brethren..that you dont allow anyone to throw you into some condemnation because you have shed some TEARS. God GAVE us tears...beloved. They are used to aid us in the RELEASE of pain and grief... brokeness. They..Wash the lens of the eye..until that which is perfect comes into full view. We teach our little boys that it isnt manly to cry, and they end up not being able to get in touch with their feelings and being able to RELEASE unhealthy emotion. How sad that is. Not all tears indicate that we are weak and a sissy beloved. And even if you are..feeling weak.., your God will in your private and intimate time with Him, will reveal and work continually HIS your weakness. He will EMPOWER you in those times as you BECOME strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might! IN the meantime, LET ..the weak will SAY..I AM...strong! STRONG in the Lord..!!! Its IMPORTANT that you put on Courage, and put ON the garment of praise FOR the spirit of heaviness. THESE things transform us AS we are being transitioned out of brokenness! I want to encourage you to never be ashamed to go to your Heavenly Father and give Him your brokenness, and never ever become a slave to the peering and opinions of others who are just watching you go through your transitions and shiftings trying to make you feel like you are weak and not standing the test because you cry out to your GOD. We must give ourselves SPACE to grow up and out. We will have need to DEAL with that which needs dealing with beloved. IN your private time.. take it to Jesus..lay it at His feet... Let tears have their work, NOT that we would wallow there (we must guard against a SPIRIT of grief latching onto our lives, we don’t want to stay too long here. Let the Spirit of the Lord work with you and help you gage and balance how long is TOO long as well as point out to you where there’s still some “issue” that needs to be dealt with), but let them (tears) help you when you are venting and emptying out the pain..that often accompanies certain transition. AS you empty OUT the pain, the stuff that has dirtied up your well (of LIVING waters), God will pour in..beloved, the oil and the wine. Somebody say PROCESS. Process has to do with the making of the Christian. It has to do with our DEVELOPMENT. There are some healings that take PROCESS, beloved. A Process is a Series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end is attained. Its a series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result. PROCESS indicates passage. Process speaks of a PROGRESSION. Process deals with an OUTGROWTH (development), we are being spiritually Developed, by a series of spiritually progressive, continuous operations marked by a series of gradual changes, shifts and levels that succeed one another in a relatively fixed way and lead toward a particular result or end. Im talking about a HEALTY...transition. In the SPIRIT realm, it is not that the PERFECT has not ALREADY come, in and through Christ Jesus, and yes we ARE IN Him, but WE must transition away from that which is weak and mortal and allow that which changes not, CHANGE all our weakened places (that which IS weak in us, must put on that which is ETERNAL and incorruptible). Even the eagle, who SOARS high above the heights..knows to stop and perch himself upon a Rock (and we know WHO that is, thats Christ JESUS for us, beloved!! HE’S our ROCK!!) now and then and hell pull out all the feathers that have been damaged by the battering of storm gales, and hell..REST, hell rest (spiritual rest for us) on a rock...and become rejuvenated..before he takes to the heights once more. He knows how to WAIT on and in the Presence of the Lord, so to speak..UNTIL his change comes. Somebody say...Shift..!! Transition..!! That is why beloved, we have Scripture that speaks to us about going from faith to faith, and from glory to glory and (listen) from strength, TO STRENGTH. We wait on the Lord, (this speaks of a LIVING expectation!) allowing Him to strengthen OUR hearts (from Him only is our expectation)...we wait until OUR change comes. There are some things that, and bruise us in life, believe it or not. He COMES to heal the broken in heart and promised to give us beauty..for our ashes. He comes to fix..whatever may get broken along the course of the journey and within the business of LIFE..and all our living. We are always in a hurry, thinking that FAST means transitioned, how wrong we are. We CONFUSE outward show with REAL change. And while it is SOOOOOOOO very true that we are healed AS we GO (on), just understand that while youre going on..and forward..that this indicates direction...and a measuure of transition (we KEEP MOVING with God, yes). AS we go..speaks of to the extent and degree...OF. For a Wholeness to be achieved, we must not just be physically mobile but inwardly healthy and functioning in Christs full measure of wholeness..within. FOR this reason, WHILE we are going ON” and FORWARD, beloved, let us not neglect to check ourselves, BE examined by God in the inner man, SEE whats going on there..and DEAL honestly with it! Because what we fail to DEAL with will (hear me??) revisit us at an inopportune time and present itself as an unsightly imposition later on, and well being wondering whered that come from!??. What we fail to deal with in the healing process..will just become our issue. As for the tears..allow the tears..when needed. Tears..are often a part of the HEALING process, and may visit in and out of our places of transition (we are sometimes a little wobbly while we are changing). Its OKAY...beloved. You are allowed to be naked (vulnerable, unpretentious, in NEED of Him), and NOT ashamed before your Heavenly Father. YOUR “real” can be laid there, as He clothes you with HIS real! It’s just a place on the journey,….a part of your process to get you FROM the pain..into the Presence, the power..and the provision of God. It’s just a level. GIVE it to Him…tears and all. He’ll meet you there and HE will not despise you OR your nakedness. He’ll COVER your nakedness in His sufficiency, for this has become a place…of exchanges. Lay it THERE, at His feet,..pour it out. He’s succor those (coming to the aid and the assist of) who are being tried and tempted. So when you feel like your HEART is overwhelmed, and you are needing an ABLE Shift… CAN take your cry to the ROCK.. that is HIGHER…than “I”. Doesn’t matter what others may say or think,..He’s your Papa GOD. Hell DRY our tears, and the Word of God says Hell bottle them..,they are precious to Him. Not all places of transition are the SAME. For some transition ..those shifts of PROGRESSION happen in intervals and play out in levels. It happens in steps and stages - yes! And EACH of these places are Shifts that indicate that change is taking place, and they are perceptual transitions helping us to switch gears, so to speak. EACH place of transition in this instance are BUILDING a momentum..and they are directed towards the purposed end of wholeness. THEY, (meaning) each and every PROGRESSIVE transition and shift..are taking your FULL Measure of healing and wholeness. Yes! The Ultimate aim ...and precise the leaving of that negative place..and the releasing of the FORMER order to make WAY..for the New and the living!! NO condemnation (!!), let us continue...beloved. Let us Continue! We are NOT going to be “saved..but NOT DELIVERED, DELIVERED..but not free..! We arent going to MAJOR in wearing masks that only serve to hide our dysfunction!! Amen, beloved! The AIM is not to become proficient and LOOKING the part of wholeness, but WE are going to BE TRUTH and indeed!! In every aspect, and measure. WE are going to, by the Grace of our God...MOOOOOVE, and transition with God! I love you today beloved..! My heart is full of hopes for your well being. In Isa. 54:18,19, God puts it this way (God is speaking through His prophet Isaiah)..... DO NOT earnestly remember the Former things: neither consider the things...of old. Behold, I am Doing a NEW thing! NOW it springs...forth (!!); do you not know it and will you not give HEED to it? Paul in Phil. 3:13 is utilizing this very same wisdom. He, beloved..was in acknowledgement that God was DOING..NEW him, and in his life! He had to ADAPT a NEW vision (inlook) and outlook, and he DID that by a progressive Uplook! He deemed it so important..that he called it the one SOLITARY move..that ushered him into the Progressive move of his life. But before he could adapt to the NEW..he had to alter his MINDSET. He had to DEAL with what was the former thing. In Isa. 54:18,19..God is saying through the not Earnestly.. remember..!! That word is not intensely and painstakingly anguish over. Do not put your ENERGY into the remembrance of your PAST. Do not FOCUS on it or be closely TIED to it (that is very rich, and later on we shall see why it is)!! What are you tied to on your friend?? This do not Earnestly remember..takes us to our next segment my friend (smile). Are you getting anything out of this today beloved..?? It is my prayer that you are. Lets continue, shall we? ...Continue! Amen!! (part 4!!)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:44:13 +0000

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